Managing Video Content Efficiently with Empress



In the fast-paced business world, it’s becoming increasingly important to communicate information quickly and effectively. One of the most engaging ways to do this is through video content. Empress recognizes this trend and offers an integrated solution for businesses to incorporate videos into their workflows. The Video DocType feature allows you to add, manage, and track videos from popular platforms like Vimeo and YouTube. This guide will guide you on how to use this feature.

Getting Started

To access the Videos feature, you need to navigate to:

Home > Tools > Video

Creating a New Video

To add a new video to your system, follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to the Video list and click on New.
  2. Give your Video a descriptive title.
  3. Select the Provider. By default, the Video Provider is set to YouTube.
  4. Enter the URL of the Video.
  5. If you want, you can also add the publishing date and duration of the Video in the following format: days-hours-minutes-seconds.
  6. Provide a brief description of the video.
  7. Click Save.

After saving your video, you can add an image or thumbnail to represent it.

You can then view your saved video directly from the Document.

Video Features

Tracking Video Analytics with YouTube

Monitoring the performance of your videos is crucial for understanding their impact. Empress provides an option to track and analyze YouTube Video statistics. This feature helps you keep track of the view count and engagement of your videos.

To use this feature, you must first enable YouTube Tracking in Video Settings:

Video Settings > Enable YouTube Tracking

After enabling this feature, you’ll be able to see the API Key and Frequency fields.

  • API Key: You can generate an API Key from your Google Developers Console.
  • Frequency: Choose how often you want the system to update your statistics. The options range from every 30 minutes to once every day.

Remember, all videos created or updated after enabling YouTube tracking will have their statistics updated upon saving.

YouTube Interactions Report

The YouTube Interactions Report provides a comprehensive overview of all video engagements. It includes a bar chart for visual analysis of Likes versus Views. You can filter the report data based on the Published Date range.


Empress’s Video DocType feature offers a powerful and user-friendly way to add, manage, and track videos. Whether you’re using videos for internal training or customer engagement, this feature can help streamline your processes and improve the way you analyze video performance. If you need further assistance, please refer to our non-technical resources or contact our support team.

Note: As of September 2020, the number of non-billable requests to the YouTube Data API is limited to 10,000 requests. Empress automatically updates up to 50 videos in 1 request. Therefore, for 100 videos, it would take 2 requests. If you choose to update 100 videos every hour (frequency = 1 hour), it would send 2 requests per hour and 48 requests per day. Please adjust the frequency accordingly.