Mapping and Redirecting Domains with Empress Cloud


Welcome to this comprehensive guide on how to configure custom domains and redirect domains using Empress Cloud. This guide is designed for business users and will help you utilize this feature effectively to cater to your business needs.


Empress Cloud offers a feature for mapping your custom domains. This feature is crucial from a business perspective as it allows you to maintain a consistent, professional online presence using your own company domains. Empress Cloud also offers domain redirection, allowing you to direct users to a primary domain and keep your domain hidden if preferred.

Configuring a Custom Domain

In order to use your custom domain with Empress Cloud, you’ll need to create DNS records from your domain provider’s dashboard and add the domain to your Empress Cloud site.

Step 1: Create DNS Records

You can create DNS records in two ways:

  1. Subdomain: If you want to use a subdomain (like for your site (, create a CNAME record for that points to

  2. Naked Domain: If you want to use a naked domain (like, create an A record pointing to your site’s IP address. Remember, if your site’s IP address changes, you’ll need to update the DNS record.

Step 2: Open Your Site Dashboard

Once you’ve created the DNS record, go to your Empress Cloud site dashboard.

Step 3: Navigate to the Domains Card

On your site’s overview page, select the Domains card.

Step 4: Add Domain

Click the ‘Add Domain’ button.

Step 5: Enter the Custom Domain

Enter your custom domain.

Step 6: Verify DNS

Click on the ‘Verify DNS’ button. If the verification is successful, this indicates that the CNAME record has been correctly added.

Step 7: Add Domain

If the verification is successful, click on the ‘Add Domain’ button.

Note: Once the custom domain is added, an SSL certificate is obtained for it, enabling HTTPS use with your domain.

Redirecting Domains

If you wish to hide certain domains that direct to your site, or if you prefer to hide your provided domain, you can enable domain redirection in Empress Cloud.

Step 1: Set a Primary Domain

First, designate one domain as the primary domain. The redirected domains will redirect to this primary domain.

Step 2: Enable Domain Redirection

Next, enable redirection for the domains you wish to hide. Once this is done, users will be redirected to the primary domain when accessing your site from the redirected domains.


Configuring custom domains and redirecting domains in Empress Cloud helps you maintain a professional online presence and control how users access your site. While this guide provides a comprehensive guide, if you need further assistance, feel free to seek additional resources or support.

Remember, the key to successful domain configuration and redirection is to ensure correct DNS records and proper set-up in your Empress Cloud site dashboard.