Master Customization with Empress Print Format Builder


Is your business in need of customizing print formats? Empress Print Format Builder is the solution. This powerful feature allows you to create and edit print formats to suit your specific needs. It offers flexibility for you to craft your print format by simply dragging and dropping data fields and adding custom text or HTML. Let’s delve into how you can use this feature to enhance your business processes.

Introduction to Empress Print Format Builder

Empress Print Format Builder is a user-friendly tool that enables you to customize print formats for different document types within your business. This could be anything from invoices and quotations to employee profiles or product descriptions. It’s as easy as dragging and dropping elements onto your format. The only limit is your imagination!

Note: The ‘Standard’ Print Format, which is created by default, cannot be edited.

Accessing the Empress Print Format Builder

Before we start molding our own print formats, let’s find out how to access this feature:

  1. Navigate to the Home screen.
  2. Click on ‘Settings.’
  3. Select ‘Print Format Builder.’

You can also access this feature directly from a document.

Getting Hands-On with Empress Print Format Builder

Ready to start customizing? Here’s how:

Accessing Print Format Builder through Menu

  1. Open the Print Format Builder.
  2. You now have two options: edit an existing print format or create a new one.
  3. For this guide, we will focus on editing an existing print format. For creating a new print format, see the next section.
  4. Choose the print format you wish to edit.
  5. Click on the ‘Edit’ button to access the Print Format Builder interface.
  6. Now, you can drag and drop fields from the sidebar onto your page or remove them.
  7. Once you’re happy with your changes, don’t forget to hit ‘Save.’

Accessing Print Format Builder through a Document

  1. Open the document that you want to create a print format for.
  2. Click on the ‘Printer’ icon, or navigate to ‘Menu’ > ‘Print’ and click on the ‘Customize…’ button. Note: You need to have System Manager permission to do this.
  3. To add a field, simply drag it from the left sidebar and drop it onto your layout. You can edit layouts in sections or individual fields by clicking on the settings icon.
  4. Want to remove a field? Drag it back into the fields sidebar.
  5. Remember to save your changes.

Enhancing Your Print Format with Custom Text or HTML

You can add a personal touch to your print format by adding customized text, HTML, or both. Here’s how:

  1. Drag and drop the Custom HTML field (displayed in dark color) to the location where you want to insert your custom content.
  2. Click on Edit HTML to modify your content.

Wrap Up

Empress Print Format Builder is a powerful tool that can significantly enhance your business processes, allowing you to create customized print formats that reflect your brand and meet your specific needs. Remember, the key to mastering this feature is practice, so don’t hesitate to experiment with different elements and layouts.

For additional support on Empress Print Format Builder, please refer to our non-technical resources or contact our support team.