Master Empress Authorization Rules for Business Control


Welcome to a comprehensive guide for business users on how to effectively use Authorization Rules in Empress. These rules are a powerful tool to set up custom approval processes for your documents based on certain conditions. They help you maintain a tight control over critical business operations, making sure that important documents go through the appropriate approval channels.

For example, picture a scenario where a sales order’s total cost exceeds $1,000. Here, you can establish an authorization rule that requires the sales manager’s approval before the order can be submitted, even if the sales representative already has the permission to “Submit”. Similarly, you can create authorization rules for other fields like net total, grand total, or discount percentage and decide on the person who needs to approve the document if the condition is met.

Real-World Application: Sales Order Approval

Let’s consider a practical example. You want to set up a rule where a sales manager has to approve sales orders only if the total cost goes beyond $10,000. If the sales order is under $10,000, the sales representative should be able to submit it directly. In other words, the sales representative’s permission to submit is restricted to sales orders with a total cost less than $10,000.

How to Implement an Authorization Rule

Follow these steps to create an authorization rule:

  1. Go to the Authorization Rule list and click on New.
  2. Choose the transaction for which you want to apply the Authorization Rule. Note that this feature can only be applied to certain transactions.
  3. Input the Authorized Value based on the field you selected in “Based On”.
  4. Select Based On. The Authorization Rule will be applied depending on the value chosen in this field.
  5. Pick the Applicable Role. This is the role to which this Authorization Rule applies. In our example, it would be the Sales Representative.
  6. If you want to apply the rule to a specific Sales Representative instead of all of them, you can select Applicable To User.
  7. Choose the Approving Role. This is the role that can approve forms that exceed the Authorized value. In our example, it is the Sales Manager.
  8. You can also select a specific Sales Manager.
  9. Save your changes.

Now, if a sales representative tries to submit a sales order that costs more than $10,000, they will receive an error message.

Note: If you want to prevent a sales representative from submitting sales orders altogether, you should remove the submit privilege for the Sales Representative from the Role Permission Manager rather than creating an Authorization Rule.

Documents and Fields Applicable for Authorization Rules

You can apply authorization rules to these documents:

  1. Sales Order
  2. Purchase Order
  3. Quotation
  4. Delivery Note
  5. Sales Invoice
  6. Purchase Invoice
  7. Purchase Receipt
  8. Appraisal

And you can set up authorization conditions based on these fields:

  1. Grand Total
  2. Average Discount
  3. Customer-wise Discount
  4. Item-wise Discount

With Empress’s authorization rules, you can more effectively manage your business operations by ensuring the necessary checks and balances are in place. These rules help maintain control, streamline processes, and enhance overall efficiency. For further assistance or information, feel free to explore our other guides or reach out to our support team.