Mastering Brand-Based Item Tracking and Reporting


Welcome to this Empress guide! Today, we’ll be discussing a powerful feature that could revolutionize your approach to managing items in your business - Brand-Based Item Tracking and Reporting.


In any business, keeping track of your inventory is crucial. With the vast variety of items and brands, however, this can become a cumbersome task. That’s where Empress steps in. Empress allows you to track, manage, and report on items based on their associated Brand. This feature is designed to make your item management tasks simpler and more efficient, ultimately helping you make informed business decisions.

How to Search Items Based on Brand

When you’re creating transactions in Empress, you can search for items using their Brand name. Here’s how:

  1. In the transaction window, navigate to the search bar.
  2. Type in the Brand name of the item you’re looking for.

As you type, Empress will display items associated with the Brand name you’ve entered. This feature is dependent on the Brand being included in the Item Master’s Search Field.

How to Generate Sales and Purchase Reports Based on Brand

Empress goes beyond just item tracking. Once you’ve selected an item for a transaction, Empress will automatically fetch the Brand associated with that item. This applies to all your sales and purchase transactions.

After your transactions are complete, you can generate detailed Brand-wise Sales and Purchase Reports. This allows you to keep track of sales and purchases for each Brand, helping you understand your business’s performance at a granular level.

Analyzing Brand-Wise Profitability

But that’s not all. Empress also offers a Brand-wise Profitability feature. This allows you to evaluate the gross profit for each Brand, providing you with valuable insights into the profitability of different Brands in your inventory. This data can be invaluable when it comes to strategic decision-making for your business.


With Empress’s Brand-Based Item Tracking and Reporting feature, you can streamline your transactions, generate comprehensive reports, and analyze profitability. This not only enhances your business’s efficiency but also empowers you to make strategic decisions based on accurate, reliable data.

For further assistance or more information, please refer to our non-technical resources or reach out to our support team. Happy tracking!