Mastering Buying Settings for Streamlined Purchasing in Empress


Welcome to the Buying Settings feature in Empress. This is where you can set rules and standards for all your purchasing transactions. With this feature, you can customize how Empress identifies your suppliers, set default groups, manage purchase orders, and handle pricing.

1. Supplier Settings

1.1 Supplier Naming By

Every supplier you save in Empress gets a unique identifier. By default, this identifier is the supplier’s name. However, you can change this by selecting ‘Naming Series’ under ‘Supplier Naming By’. This will let you use a pattern such as SUPP-00001, SUPP-00002, etc. To set this pattern, go to: Settings > Data > Naming Series.

1.2 Default Supplier Group

You can designate a default group for new suppliers. For example, if you frequently work with hardware providers, you can set ‘Hardware’ as your default group. This helps keep your supplier list organized and easy to navigate.

2. Purchasing Settings

2.1 Default Buying Price List

You can set a default Price List for all new buying transactions. The default setting is ‘Standard Buying’. All item prices will be fetched from this list. You can change the ‘Price List’ by clicking the arrow on the right-end of the field. This allows you to adjust the currency and country settings.

2.2 Purchase Order Required

If you activate this setting, Empress will require a Purchase Order before you can create a Purchase Invoice or a Purchase Receipt. However, if you often make offline orders or accept sample Items, you can bypass this requirement. To override this for specific suppliers, check the box “Allow Purchase Invoice Creation Without Purchase Order” in the supplier master.

2.3 Purchase Receipt Required

If this setting is activated, Empress will require a Purchase Receipt before a Purchase Invoice can be created. If you are purchasing services rather than goods, you can bypass this requirement. To override this for specific suppliers, check the box “Allow Purchase Invoice Creation Without Purchase Receipt” in the supplier master.

2.4 Maintain Same Rate Throughout Purchase Cycle

If you enable this setting, Empress will check if an item’s price changes in a Purchase Invoice or Purchase Receipt generated from a Purchase Order. This can help you maintain consistent pricing. If the price changes, you can set Empress to either stop the transaction or issue a warning.

2.5 Set Landed Cost Based on Purchase Invoice Rate

If the price on your purchase receipt and purchase invoice differs, this feature allows you to adjust the landed cost to match the purchase invoice.

3. Allow Item to be added multiple times in a transaction

By default, an item cannot be added more than once in the same Purchase Order. If you need to add the same item multiple times (for example, if you have multiple sources for the same material), you can enable this setting.

The Buying Settings feature in Empress provides you with flexible and comprehensive control over your purchasing transactions. By understanding and using these settings, you can streamline your buying process, maintain consistent pricing, and manage your suppliers effectively. For additional support, visit our help center or get in touch with our customer service team.