Mastering Cash Flow with Empress Payment Terms Status Report



The Empress Payment Terms Status Report is a powerful feature designed to streamline your business’s financial management. This report provides a clear and concise overview of the payment progress related to a specific Sales Order, helping you to keep track of your transactions and manage your cash flow effectively.

This intuitive tool uses a First-In-First-Out (FIFO) method to calculate the status of payment terms based on the invoices generated against a Sales Order. With the Empress Payment Terms Status Report, you can easily view, edit, sort, and track the status of your payment terms, making it an invaluable asset for businesses dealing with staggered payment terms.

How to Use the Empress Payment Terms Status Report

Imagine that you have a Sales Order with a total value of 7000₹, divided into two payment terms of 50-50. This means that the total payment will be split into two equal parts, each representing 50% of the total amount.

If you issue a Sales Invoice against this Sales Order for an amount of 4900₹, the Empress system will use the FIFO method to allocate this payment to the payment terms.

As a result, the Empress Payment Terms Status Report will display the status of each payment term. The first 50% payment term is marked as ‘Completed,’ while the second 50% payment term is marked as ‘Partly Paid.’

This clear visual representation allows you to quickly assess the payment status of each term. You can easily see how much has been paid, how much is still owed, and which payments are overdue, ensuring you maintain an accurate record of payments and remaining balances.

User Roles and Permissions

Please remember that access to the Empress Payment Terms Status Report is subject to user roles and permissions. Ensure that you have the necessary permissions to view and interact with this feature. Contact your system administrator if you need assistance in this regard.


In summary, the Empress Payment Terms Status Report is a valuable tool for efficient financial management and forecasting in your business. It allows you to stay on top of your payment terms, ensuring you always have a clear picture of your financial status and cash flow.

For additional support or resources, please refer to the Empress user guide or contact our customer support team. Happy financial tracking!