Mastering Company Set Up Feature in Empress


One of the most critical steps when starting to use Empress is setting up your company. The Company Set Up feature allows you to establish your organization as a legal entity within the system. It’s here that you’ll set up your books of account and create accounting transactions. Empress gives you the flexibility to create multiple companies and establish relationships (group/subsidiary) among them. This guide will guide you through the process of setting up your company in a user-friendly manner.

Primary Functions and Benefits

Create Your Company

The Company Set Up feature allows you to create your company within the Empress system. This will serve as the foundation for all your future transactions and operations.

Set Up Default Accounts

Within the Company Set Up, you can capture various default accounts for your company. This feature allows you to customize your account settings to fit your specific business needs.

Establish Accounting Methodology

The Company Set Up feature also allows you to set crucial settings related to the accounting methodology followed for your company. This is essential for ensuring that your company’s financial transactions are recorded accurately and consistently.

How to Use the Company Set Up Feature

Viewing Your Company

To view your company, navigate to the Company Set Up feature. Here, you’ll find all the information related to your company, including your default accounts and accounting methodology settings.

Editing Your Company

To edit your company, simply click on the Edit button within the Company Set Up feature. From here, you can change any information related to your company as needed.

Sorting Your Companies

If you have multiple companies, you can sort them by clicking on the Sort button within the Company Set Up feature. This will allow you to view your companies in order of your preference.

Tracking Changes

The Company Set Up feature also allows you to track changes to your company. This is useful for keeping track of any edits or updates that have been made.

User Roles and Permissions

In Empress, user roles and permissions are defined based on the user’s responsibilities within the company. Only users with the appropriate permissions can access the Company Set Up feature. This ensures that only authorized personnel can create, edit, sort, and track companies.


The Company Set Up feature is a critical tool for any business using Empress. It provides a comprehensive overview of your company, allowing you to manage your default accounts and accounting methodology effectively. By understanding how to use this feature, you can ensure that your company’s financial transactions are recorded accurately and consistently.

For further assistance, please refer to the Empress help center or contact our customer support team. We’re always here to help you make the most of your Empress experience.