Mastering Contract Management in Empress: A Guide

Welcome to the Empress Guide for the Contract Management Feature. This guide will guide you through the process of viewing, creating, and managing contracts in Empress.


The Contract Management feature is a powerful tool for handling all your business contracts. It allows you to keep track of various business contracts with different parties such as Customers, Suppliers, and Employees. With this feature, you can generate contracts, monitor their fulfilment status, and ensure that they are signed and fulfilled within the stipulated deadlines.

Primary Functions and Benefits

  1. Creation of Contracts: Create contracts for different parties and define the terms of the contract.

  2. Tracking Contract Status: Track the status of your contracts, whether they’re signed, active, or inactive.

  3. Monitoring Fulfilment Status: Monitor whether the contract requirements have been fulfilled, partially fulfilled, or unfulfilled.

  4. Historical Reference: View past contracts and learn from historical data.

User Interface Guide

Viewing Contracts

To view existing contracts, navigate to the Contracts section of Empress. Here, you’ll see a list of all contracts, along with key information such as the party name, contract status, and fulfilment status.

Creating a New Contract

To create a new contract, click on the ‘New Contract’ button at the top of the Contracts section. You’ll need to fill in the following details:

  • Party Type: Select the type of party the contract is with: Customer, Supplier, or Employee.
  • Party Name: Select the name of the party from your existing records.
  • Contract Period: Specify the start and end dates of the contract.
  • Contract Details: Select a contract template and specify the contract terms.
  • Fulfilment Details: Specify if the contract requires fulfilment and, if so, the fulfilment deadline and terms.

Once you’ve filled in all necessary details, click the ‘Save’ button to save the contract.

Editing a Contract

To edit a contract, simply click on it from the list of contracts. You can then edit any of the details mentioned above.

Sorting Contracts

You can sort contracts based on any of the columns in the contract list. Simply click on the column header to sort contracts based on that column.

User Roles and Permissions

Different roles in your organization have different permissions when it comes to contract management:

  • Sales Manager: Has full permission to create, edit, view, and delete contracts.
  • Purchase Manager: Can view and edit contracts, but cannot delete them.
  • HR Manager: Has the same permissions as the Purchase Manager.
  • System Manager: Has full permission to create, edit, view, and delete contracts.


The Contract Management feature in Empress is a comprehensive tool that simplifies the management of your business contracts. By utilizing this feature, you can ensure that all your business contracts are well-managed and fulfilled within the specified deadlines.

For additional support or resources, please feel free to reach out to our Empress support team or refer to our comprehensive Empress user guide.