Mastering Deferred Revenue/Expense Reports in Empress


Welcome aboard on this comprehensive guide to the Deferred Revenue/Expense Report in Empress - a dynamic feature designed to equip you with insights on your financial position from deferred items on sales or purchase invoices.

Introduction to Deferred Revenue/Expense Report

In the business world, deferred items refer to money received or paid in advance for goods or services that have not yet been delivered or performed. The Deferred Revenue/Expense Report in Empress is a feature that provides a detailed calculation of actual and projected income or expenses from these deferred items. This is a crucial tool for you, as a business user, to anticipate future financial performance and strategize accordingly.

Exploring the Deferred Revenue Report

Deferred Revenue is money your business has received for goods or services that are yet to be delivered or performed. In the context of Empress, the Deferred Revenue Report provides an organized breakdown of your anticipated revenue from deferred items.

Here’s how you can navigate it:

  • To view your Deferred Revenue Report, simply go to Reports from your dashboard and select Deferred Revenue.
  • This will bring up a detailed list of all deferred items, each with their respective income and the date it is expected to be recognized.
  • You can sort this list by any of these columns to help you prioritize your revenue recognition strategy.

Understanding the Deferred Expense Report

In contrast, Deferred Expense or prepaid expense, is an advance payment your business has made for goods or services to be received in the future. The Deferred Expense Report in Empress gives you a comprehensive view of your upcoming expenses related to deferred items.

Here’s how to utilize it:

  • To access your Deferred Expense Report, go to Reports from your dashboard and select Deferred Expense.
  • This will display a detailed list of all deferred items, each with their respective expense and the date it is expected to be incurred.
  • You can sort this list by any of these columns to assist you in managing your cash flow effectively.

User Roles and Permissions

Access to the Deferred Revenue/Expense Report is subject to your role and permissions within the system. As a business user, you may be granted full access to view, edit, sort, and track information in these reports. However, if you encounter any difficulties, please consult your system administrator.


The Deferred Revenue/Expense Report is an invaluable feature in Empress, designed to simplify and optimize your financial management process. By providing a clear picture of your deferred revenues and expenses, it enables you to make informed decisions and strategize effectively for your business’s future.

Should you have any further inquiries or require assistance, please refer to our Empress User Guide or contact our customer support team. Good luck in navigating your financial landscape with Empress!