Mastering Dimensions, Metrics and Formatting in Empress


Welcome to our guide on Dimensions, Metrics, and Formatting. This feature is a key component of our Empress data analysis toolkit, which helps you to sort, categorize, and comprehend your business data effectively.

Introduction: The Value of Dimensions and Metrics

Data forms the basis of your business decisions, and understanding it is crucial. With Dimensions and Metrics, you can not only group your data but also measure it, helping you to gain a clearer understanding of your business operations.

What are Dimensions and Metrics?

  • Dimensions are the characteristics of your data, like the categories in which your products fall. They help you to group and analyze your data based on these characteristics. Imagine you want to see how much revenue each of your product categories generates - dimensions make this possible.

  • Metrics, meanwhile, are the measurements of these dimensions. They quantify your data, giving you numerical values for better understanding. In our product scenario, the total revenue generated by each product category would be a metric.

How to Use Expressions

You can further refine your data analysis by using Expressions to create new metrics or dimensions. For example, you might want to create a metric to understand the percentage of total revenue generated by each product category.

To create an expression:

  1. Navigate to the Expressions tab in the Dimensions & Metrics section.
  2. Begin typing your desired function or method.
  3. Use the autocomplete feature to see available options and examples.

Formatting Your Dimensions and Metrics

Customizing the display of your metrics and dimensions can help you understand your data more intuitively. For instance, you may want to show a metric as a percentage, or in a specific currency.

To format a dimension or metric:

  1. Locate the Format button next to your chosen dimension or metric.
  2. Click to select your desired formatting.
Date and Time Formatting

Date and time dimensions can be presented in a variety of formats, such as “January 1, 2020” or “Q1, 2020”, depending on your preference and business needs.

Number Formatting

You can also add prefixes or suffixes to a number dimension or metric for improved readability, like adding a “$” before a revenue figure.

Conclusion: Enhancing Business With Empress

By using Dimensions, Metrics, and Formatting in Empress, you can simplify and deepen your data analysis, helping you to make more informed business decisions. For more non-technical resources, visit our Help Center or reach out to our Support team. We’re here to help you make the most of Empress for your business.