Mastering Dynamic Shipping Charges with Empress Feature


In Empress, the Shipping Rule feature is a vital tool that helps businesses, especially in the retail sector, to calculate and apply shipping charges based on the total invoice value. This feature allows businesses to create flexible shipping charges that adjust according to the net total of the sales transaction.

Understanding the Shipping Rule Feature

The Shipping Rule feature in Empress allows you to establish a structure for shipping charges that varies according to the net total of a sales transaction. For instance, your business might apply lower shipping charges for invoices above a certain threshold and higher shipping charges for smaller invoice values.

To access this feature, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Selling > Setup > Shipping Rule, or
  2. Go to Accounts > Setup > Shipping Rule.

How to Define Shipping Rule Conditions

When you set up your Shipping Rule, you’ll define the conditions under which certain shipping charges apply. You might create a sliding scale where the shipping charges decrease as the value of the transaction increases. This shipping charge will only apply if the transaction total falls within your specified ranges.

Setting Country-Specific Shipping Rules

With Empress, you can customize your Shipping Rules to apply universally or specifically to certain countries. If you specify countries in your Shipping Rule, the associated shipping charges will only apply if the customer’s country matches the country you’ve indicated in the rule.

Allocating a Shipping Account

When you apply shipping charges using a Shipping Rule, you’ll need to provide additional details, such as the Shipping Account and Cost Center. Empress requires these details to calculate the Taxes and Other Charges for each transaction. These details are also tracked within the Shipping Rule feature.

Applying Shipping Rules in Sales Transactions

Once you’ve set up your Shipping Rules, Empress will automatically apply the appropriate shipping charges to each Sales Order based on the conditions you’ve defined in your rule.


In summary, the Shipping Rule feature in Empress provides businesses with a powerful tool to create dynamic shipping charge structures that adapt to their unique operational needs. By following this user-friendly guide, you can confidently configure and apply Shipping Rules in Empress, ensuring smoother, more efficient sales transactions.

For additional support, consider exploring other non-technical resources or contacting the Empress support team.