Mastering Efficient Collaboration with Empress' Sharing Feature


Welcome to this user-friendly guide on how to effectively use the ‘Sharing’ feature on Empress. This feature is particularly significant for businesses as it offers a streamlined way to share essential documents among users while maintaining control and visibility.

Understanding the ‘Sharing’ Feature

In the Empress system, the ‘Sharing’ feature is a robust tool that allows you to share specific documents with selected users. This feature works alongside user and role permissions, meaning you can only share documents if you have the necessary sharing rights.

When a document is shared, it becomes visible to the chosen user, regardless of any existing User Permissions. This ensures that all crucial information is accessible to the necessary parties, thereby boosting efficient collaboration and information exchange.

How to Share a Document in Empress

Here are the simple steps to share a document in Empress:

  1. Open the document you wish to share.
  2. Look for the ‘Shared With’ section and click on the ‘+’ icon.
  3. Select the user you wish to share the document with from the drop-down list. If you want the document to be accessible to all users, select ‘Everyone’.
  4. Check the appropriate boxes to grant the necessary rights to the selected user.
  5. Click on the ‘Add’ button to finalize the sharing process.
  6. To share the document with additional users, simply repeat the process for each individual.

Note: The shared document will display a list of users it has been shared with. This allows you to keep track of who has access to the document.


The ‘Sharing’ feature in Empress offers a flexible and secure way to manage document visibility and control access. By utilizing this feature, you can enhance your project management capabilities and increase collaboration within your team.

Remember, it’s essential to use the ‘Sharing’ feature responsibly to uphold document security and integrity within your system. For more information on how to use other features in Empress, refer to the Empress User Guide or contact our Support Team.