Mastering Efficient Inventory Management with Empress Stock Settings


Welcome to this comprehensive, user-friendly guide on managing Stock Settings in Empress, a powerful tool that can streamline your inventory management processes. This feature allows you to customize your stock settings to suit your business needs, helping you to manage stock more efficiently and make more informed business decisions.

Feature Name: Stock Settings

Stock Settings in Empress provide you with a host of options to customize how you manage and track your inventory. From setting up default item groups and warehouses to configuring barcode fields and automatic material requests, Empress gives you the flexibility to manage your stock in a way that perfectly fits your business operations.

1. Item Naming By

The default setting is for items to be named by the item code entered. However, you can choose a specific naming series for your items if you prefer.

2. Defaults

2.1 Default Item Group

Specify a default item group for any newly created items. This helps with categorizing items and setting properties for entire groups at once.

2.2 Default Stock UOM (Unit of Measure)

While the default unit of measure for stock is numbers (Nos), you can change this to any unit that suits your inventory.

2.3 Default Warehouse

Choose a default warehouse for conducting stock transactions.

2.4 Sample Retention Warehouse

Designate a warehouse where sample retentions are stored.

2.5 Default Valuation Method

Select between FIFO (First In First Out) or Moving Average valuation methods for your items.

3. Limit Percent

Set the allowed percentage for receiving or delivering more than the ordered quantity.

4. Role Allowed to Over Deliver/Receive

Specify the user roles that are permitted to over-deliver or receive against orders above the set allowance percentage.

5. Show Barcode Field

Choose whether to display a field for entering Barcode details for items.

6. Convert Item Description to Clean HTML

Ensure a clean print view of your invoices or quotes by converting item descriptions to clean HTML.

7. Auto Insert

7.1 Auto Insert Price List Rate if Missing

Enable this option to automatically insert an item price to the price list when using the item in its first transaction.

7.2 Automatically Set Serial Nos based on FIFO

Choose to have serial numbers for stock set automatically based on the FIFO principle.

8. Allow Negative Stock

Enable this to allow stock items to be displayed in negative values.

9. Set Qty in Transactions based on Serial No Input

The quantity of items will be set according to their serial numbers.

10. Automatic Material Request

10.1 Raise Material Request when the Stock Reaches Re-order Level

Enable this to automatically raise a material request when stock reaches the re-order level.

10.2 Notify by Email on the Creation of Automatic Material Request

Choose to send an email notification to the ‘Purchase Manager’ when an automatic material request is created.

11. Inter Warehouse Transfer Settings

11.1 Enable Customer Warehouse for Material Transfer from Delivery Note and Sales Invoice

Enable this if you need material transfer to be presented as a Delivery Note.

11.2 Enable Supplier Warehouse for Material Transfer from Purchase Receipt and Purchase Invoice

Enable this if you need material transfer to be presented as a Purchase Receipt.

12. Freeze Stock Entries

Set a date beyond which users will not be allowed to make stock postings.

13. Batch Identification

Set a global naming series for stock batches. This can be overridden in the Item DocType.

14. Allow to Edit Stock Quantity

Enable this to allow stock quantity editing for sales and purchase documents.

As you can see, Stock Settings in Empress is a comprehensive feature that offers you a high degree of control and customization over your stock management processes. By understanding and leveraging these settings, you can significantly enhance your inventory management efficiency, leading to better operational performance and improved bottom-line results. For further assistance or more detailed information, please refer to our non-technical resources or contact our support team.