Mastering Empress' Address Feature for Efficient Management


In Empress, the Address Feature is a key tool that aids your business operations. This feature allows you to record and manage addresses linked to various entities such as Leads, Customers, Suppliers, Shareholders, Sales Partners, or Warehouses. You can also create standalone Address records without linking them to any entities.

How to Access the Address List

To view your Address list, follow this simple navigation path:

Home > CRM > Address

Creating an Address Record

Creating a new address in Empress is a straightforward process. Here’s how:

  1. Navigate to the Address list and click on New.
  2. From the drop-down menu, select the appropriate Address Type.
  3. Fill in the necessary details in the following fields: Address Line 1, Address Line 2, City/Town, County, State, and Country.
  4. Input the Email Address, Phone, and Fax.
  5. Using the Link DocType and Link Name fields, you can link this address to a customer, supplier, or any other relevant entity.
  6. Once all the details are filled, click Save to store the address.

You can also add an Address directly from a Customer or Supplier record by clicking on the New Address button.

Understanding the Address Features in Empress

Linking an Address to Multiple Entities

With Empress, you are not limited to linking an address to a single entity. An address can be linked to multiple customers or suppliers, or you could link an address to both customers and suppliers simultaneously.

Address Title

When an address is not linked to any entity, you will need to manually add a title for the address. But if the address is linked to an entity like a Customer or Supplier, the title is automatically generated in the ‘Entity Name-Address Type’ format.

Preferred Billing Address and Shipping Address

By selecting ‘Preferred Shipping Address,’ the system automatically adds the address in the Shipping Address for Sales Order, Sales Invoice, and Delivery Note transactions. Similarly, by selecting ‘Preferred Billing Address,’ it automatically adds the address in the Billing Address for those transactions.

GST Localization for India

For businesses in India, the Address Feature allows you to enter GSTIN and GST State in the Address if the customer or supplier is registered under GST. It’s crucial to ensure the GSTIN entered matches the valid format.

The sales transactions also fetch the GSTIN along with the address.

Additionally, you can add addresses of your own company’s facilities by checking ‘Is Your Company Address’, selecting Company in Link DocType, and Company Name in Link Name. These addresses can then be selected in the GST Sales Invoice to print your own address.

Remember, GSTIN should be added in the Address, not in the Customer/Supplier, as one Customer/Supplier may have multiple GSTINs (one for each state where they conduct business).

In conclusion, the Address Feature in Empress is a robust tool that can enhance your business processes by providing a centralized system for managing and linking addresses. For further assistance or additional information, please refer to non-technical resources or reach out to our support team.