Mastering Empress' Appointment Booking Slots Feature


In the modern world of business, time management is paramount. A well-structured schedule allows your team to be more efficient and productive. With Empress, you can keep your appointments and meetings perfectly organized using the Appointment Booking Slots feature.

This feature is designed to allow you to define and manage your available time slots for appointments. Whether you’re a service provider, a consultant, or operating in any industry where appointments are key, Appointment Booking Slots is a feature that can greatly streamline your scheduling process.

Features and Benefits

With Appointment Booking Slots, you can:

  • View your available slots for any day of the week
  • Edit the start and end times of your slots
  • Sort your slots by day or time
  • Track Changes in your schedule

This feature puts you in control of your time and allows you to make the best use of it.

Using the Feature

Viewing Your Slots

  1. Navigate to the Appointment Booking Slots feature from your Empress dashboard.
  2. You will find a list of slots arranged by day of the week.
  3. Click on any slot to view its details.

Editing Your Slots

  1. Click on the slot you want to edit.
  2. You will find fields for From Time and To Time that you can adjust to your liking.
  3. Click Save when you’re finished to update the slot.

Sorting Your Slots

  1. You can sort your slots by clicking on the Sort button.
  2. Choose whether you would like to sort by Day of Week or Time.
  3. Your slots will rearrange according to your selection.

Tracking Changes

Every change made to your slots is automatically tracked. This allows you to keep an eye on any changes made to your schedule, ensuring you’re always up-to-date.

User Roles and Permissions

Permissions for the Appointment Booking Slots feature can be managed by an Empress administrator. They can decide who can view, edit, and track changes to the slots.


The Appointment Booking Slots feature is a powerful tool that allows you to take control of your schedule, enabling you to be more efficient and productive in your day-to-day business operations. With its user-friendly interface and useful functionalities, it becomes an essential part of your business process management.

For further assistance, please visit our Empress Support Page or contact our customer service team.