Mastering Empress' Asset Maintenance Log for Optimal Business Operations


Welcome to the Empress guide for the Asset Maintenance Log. This feature is a powerful tool that enables you to monitor and manage all the maintenance activities related to your business assets. It’s an essential part of your operations, whether you’re maintaining office equipment, machinery, or other critical assets.

Introduction to the Asset Maintenance Log

The Asset Maintenance Log creates an automatic record every time you carry out a maintenance task. It details the status of the task, the completion date, and the actions performed during the maintenance. The system also calculates the next due date for maintenance based on the completion date and generates a new Asset Maintenance Log accordingly.

Why is this important? Keeping a detailed log helps you track the condition of your assets, plan future maintenance activities, and make informed decisions about asset replacement or upgrades.

Accessing the Asset Maintenance Log

To get to the Asset Maintenance Log, follow these steps in your Empress interface:

  1. Start at Home.
  2. Proceed to Assets.
  3. Select Maintenance.
  4. Click on Asset Maintenance Log.

Preparations Before Using the Asset Maintenance Log

Before you start using the Asset Maintenance Log, you need to set up Asset Maintenance. This is the document that outlines your maintenance schedule for each asset. Once you’ve set this up, the system will automatically create a draft Asset Maintenance Log according to the schedule.

How to Use the Asset Maintenance Log

Once you’ve prepared your Asset Maintenance, the system will create a draft of the Asset Maintenance Log. You can submit this log once the status of the Asset Maintenance is marked as ‘Completed’ or ‘Canceled’.

Here are the main features of the Asset Maintenance Log:

  • Status: This shows the state of your maintenance task. It can be ‘Planned’, ‘Completed’, ‘Canceled’, or ‘Overdue’.
  • Actions Performed: Here, you can add notes about the maintenance activity. This allows you to keep a detailed record of what was done during each maintenance session.

Wrapping Up

The Asset Maintenance Log in Empress is a valuable tool for business users. It helps you keep track of all your asset maintenance activities, ensuring your assets are always in top condition. This feature also enables planning and decision-making by providing a detailed history of maintenance tasks.

For further assistance or queries, please refer to our user-friendly resources or reach out to our support team. Remember, keeping your assets in good shape is essential for smooth business operations, and Empress is here to make it easier.