Mastering Empress Buying Reports for Optimized Purchasing


Welcome to the Empress guide on making the most of our Buying Reports feature. In this guide, we’ll introduce you to the powerful suite of reporting tools that Empress provides to help you analyze and optimize your organization’s purchasing processes.

What are Buying Reports?

Buying Reports in Empress are specialized features that enable you to understand and review your purchasing data in a clear, visual format. These reports are divided into three key sections: a Filter toolbar, a data chart, and the underlying data. The Filter toolbar allows you to set specific criteria for the report, the Data chart visualizes your data, and the Underlying data shows a detailed breakdown. Any changes you make to the filter settings are automatically updated in the data chart, keeping your insights relevant and up-to-date.

Accessing and Understanding Different Reports

Purchase Analytics

To explore your purchase-related data against supplier details, supplier groups, items, and item groups, use the Purchase Analytics report. To access it, follow these steps:

Navigate to Home > Buying > Key Reports > Purchase Analytics

Purchase Order Analysis

For a detailed analysis of items and their billing status in a purchase order, use the Purchase Order Analysis report. Access it by following the path:

Go to Home > Buying > Key Reports > Purchase Order Analysis

Supplier-Wise Sales Analytics

To get comprehensive data on different items purchased from various suppliers, the Supplier-Wise Sales Analytics report is your go-to resource. To access it:

Navigate to Home > Buying > Key Reports > Sales-Wise Sales Analytics

Items to Order and Receive

For a detailed view of the purchase requests that have been created, use the Items to Order and Receive report. Access it by:

Navigating to Home > Buying > Key Reports > Items to Order and Receive

Purchase Order Trends

To visualize the trends for purchase orders for a given financial year, use the Purchase Order Trends report. It can be accessed by:

Navigating to Home > Buying > Key Reports > Purchase Order Trends

Procurement Tracker

For extensive purchase-related data, including material requests and purchase orders created for the items, use the Procurement Tracker report. To access it:

Navigate to Home > Buying > Key Reports > Purchase Order Trends

Expanding Your Analytics with Additional Reports

Empress also offers additional reports for more granular insights into your purchasing activities. These can be found under:

Home > Buying > Other Reports

Here, you’ll find additional reports such as Items To Be Requested, Item-Wise Purchase History, Purchase Receipt Trends, Purchase Invoice Trends, Subcontracted Item To Be Received, and Supplier Quotation.

These reports are designed to provide deeper insights into your purchasing activities, helping you make informed decisions and optimize your buying processes.


In conclusion, Empress’ Buying Reports feature provides a comprehensive platform for analyzing your organization’s purchasing data, helping you streamline your operations and make better business decisions. If you need further assistance with this feature or any other aspect of the Empress platform, our support team is always ready to help.