Mastering Empress: Customizing Forms with Custom Field Feature


Welcome to this comprehensive Empress guide. We’re going to explore how to customize forms using the Custom Field feature, a simple yet powerful tool that allows you to tailor forms according to your specific business needs.

Introduction to the Custom Field Feature

In the Empress platform, each form is pre-configured with a standard set of fields. Nonetheless, businesses often have unique requirements that cannot be fulfilled by these standard fields. This is where the Custom Field feature comes into play.

This feature allows you to add additional, customizable fields to your forms, ensuring you can capture all the necessary information for your business processes. This is particularly useful when your business needs to collect specific data that is not covered by the standard form fields.

How to Create a Custom Field

Creating a custom field in Empress is straightforward. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Navigate to the Custom Field feature by following this path: Home > Customization > Form Customization > Custom Field. Alternatively, you can select ‘Customize’ from the Menu options in the list view of any Document type.
  2. Once you’re in the Custom Field list, click on ‘New’.
  3. In the Document field, select the Document where you want to add the Custom Field.
  4. In the Label field, give your Custom Field a name that clearly describes its purpose.
  5. In the Field Type field, select the type of field that best suits your needs from the drop-down menu.
  6. Click ‘Update’ to save your new Custom Field.

You can also add, edit, or remove a Field in a Form by navigating to the Customize Form feature in Empress.

Custom Field Options

The Custom Field feature comes with a variety of options that allow you to tailor fields to your business needs:

  1. Options: This field allows you to specify the data for ‘Select Field’ types.
  2. Fetch From: This option is used with ‘Link Field’ types, and lets you specify the Form from which this Field should fetch data.
  3. Fetch If Empty: Checking this box ensures that the Field will not be overwritten if a value already exists.
  4. Default Value: Use this option to set a default value for the Field.
  5. Depends On: This option lets you define a condition for the Field to be displayed.
  6. Field Description: Here you can enter a description for the Field, which will be displayed below it.
  7. Permission Level: This lets you specify which roles within your organization can edit this Field.
  8. In Preview: If the ‘Show Preview Popup’ for the Document type is enabled, the Field will be included in the popup that appears when you hover over links of the Document type.
  9. Width: This option lets you set the width allocated to this Field when viewing the Form in a Grid View.

Advanced Field Properties

The Custom Field feature also includes advanced properties that provide additional control over your fields:

  • Is Mandatory Field: Make this Field mandatory for submitting a Document type.
  • Unique: Make the Field value unique, useful for unique identifiers such as codes or Identification Numbers.
  • Read Only: Make the Field non-editable; the value of the Field will be auto-fetched from other fields.
  • Hidden: Hide this Field or an existing Field.
  • Print Hide: Hide the print button from the Print Format.
  • No Copy: Prevent copying of this Field in the Document type.
  • Allow on Submit: Allow changes to the Field even after submitting the Form.
  • In List View: Make the field visible in the List View of the Document type.
  • In Standard Filter: Make the field a standard filter in the List view of the Document.
  • In Global Search: Make this Field searchable from the Global Search.
  • Bold: Make this Field type bold.
  • Report Hide: Hide this field in the reports.
  • Ignore XSS Filter: View this Field without the HTML tags.
  • Translatable: Make this Field translatable while applying Custom Translations.


As we have seen, the Custom Field feature in Empress provides a flexible way to tailor forms to your specific business needs. It allows you to collect all the necessary data for your business operations in an organized and effective manner.

For further assistance, you can refer to additional resources available on the Empress platform or reach out to our support team.