Mastering Empress: Efficient Role Assignment for Users


Welcome to the Empress guide on understanding and managing different user types. This feature is essential for business operations in Empress. It allows you to assign appropriate roles and permissions to your employees (System Users) and external entities like customers or suppliers (Website Users).

Understanding User Types in Empress

In Empress, we have two primary types of users:

  • System Users: System Users are typically your company’s employees. They could be assigned various roles such as Account User, Sales Manager, Purchase User, or Support Team.

  • Website Users: Website Users refer to external individuals or entities connected to your company, such as customers or suppliers. They are usually assigned roles like Customer and Supplier.

These user types help maintain a structured user management system, ensuring that every user has access to the necessary tools and information based on their role.

Identifying User Types

If an employee is unable to view the Dashboard upon login, it may be because of their user type or the role assigned to them. Here’s how you can determine a user’s type:

  1. Go to the User’s profile.
  2. Check the roles assigned to them.

Understanding Role Access Types

In Empress, each role is designed with specific access rights. These rights are determined via the Role master. The “Desk Access” field in the Role master indicates whether the role is for a System User or a Website User:

  • If the “Desk Access” field is checked, the role is designed for a System User.
  • If the “Desk Access” field is unchecked, the role is designed for a Website User.

Resolving User Access Issues

If a user is unable to access the Dashboard, it could be due to a mismatch between their user type and their assigned roles. Here’s how to resolve this:

  1. Verify the user’s type and the roles assigned to them.
  2. Correctly assign the roles based on the user type.

By following these steps, you can ensure that all users have appropriate access to the Empress system, enhancing the efficiency and integrity of your business operations.


Understanding and managing user types in Empress is crucial for proper system access and seamless business operations. By accurately assigning roles and permissions based on user types, you can enhance productivity, ensure appropriate access and maintain the security of your business data.

For further assistance, please refer to our other user-friendly resources or contact our support team. Empress is here to make your business operations as smooth and efficient as possible.