Mastering Empress: Efficient Sales Invoice Management


Sales Invoices are important documents that you issue to your customers whenever they make a purchase. As a business user, you’ll be delighted to know that Empress makes it easy to create, manage, and track your sales invoices. Let’s explore how you can leverage this powerful tool to enhance your business operations.

What is a Sales Invoice?

In simple terms, a Sales Invoice is a record of a transaction where your customer agrees to pay for the products or services they’ve received. In Empress, creating a Sales Invoice is an accounting transaction, and the system automatically updates the receivable and records income against a customer account upon submission.

Viewing Sales Invoice List

You can view all your Sales Invoices by going to: Home > Accounting > Accounts Receivable > Sales Invoice.

Before You Start

Before creating a Sales Invoice, you should have the following:

  • Item (the product or service you’re selling)
  • Customer (the person or company buying your products or services)

You can also optionally create a Sales Order or a Delivery Note, which can then be used to populate the Sales Invoice.

Creating a Sales Invoice

Creating a Sales Invoice in Empress is simple. Here’s how:

  1. Navigate to the Sales Invoice list and click on New.
  2. Select the Customer.
  3. Set the Payment Due Date.
  4. In the Items table, select the items and set the quantities.
  5. If an Item Price is added, prices will be fetched automatically. If not, you can manually add a price.
  6. The posting date and time will default to the current date and time, but you can edit these if needed.
  7. Click Save and Submit.

Sales Invoice Statuses

Your Sales Invoice can have different statuses, which are automatically assigned:

  • Draft: Saved but not yet submitted.
  • Submitted: Submitted to the system and the general ledger has been updated.
  • Paid: Payment has been made.
  • Unpaid: Payment is pending but within the due date.
  • Overdue: Payment is pending beyond the due date.
  • Canceled: The invoice has been canceled and its impact on Account and Stock undone.
  • Credit Note Issued: A customer has returned an item and a Credit Note is created.
  • Return: This status is assigned to the Credit Note created against the original Sales Invoice.

Key Features of Sales Invoices


  • Posting Date: The date the Sales Invoice affects your General Ledger.
  • Due Date: The date the payment is due.

Other Features

  • Customer PO Details: Track the customer’s PO No. to avoid duplicate orders or invoices.
  • Address and Contact: Include the customer’s billing address, contact person, territory, and shipping address.
  • Currency: Set the currency for the Sales Invoice.
  • Price List: Fetch item prices from a specific Price List.
  • Items Table: Include important information about the items being sold.
  • Taxes and Charges: Fetch taxes and charges from the Sales Order or Delivery Note.
  • Loyalty Points Redemption: Allow customers to redeem loyalty points.
  • Advance Payment: Request advance payment for high-value items.
  • Payment Terms: Specify when the payment for an invoice should be made.
  • Write Off: Record when a customer pays less than the invoice amount.
  • Terms and Conditions: Apply specific terms and conditions to the items you’re selling.

After Submitting a Sales Invoice

Once a Sales Invoice is submitted, you can create the following documents against it:

  • Journal Entry
  • Payment Entry
  • Payment Request
  • Invoice Discounting
  • Delivery Note


The Sales Invoice feature in Empress is a powerful tool that allows you to manage your sales transactions effectively and efficiently. By understanding how to use this feature, you can enhance your business operations and stay on top of your finances. For more information, refer to the Empress user guide or contact our support team.