Mastering Empress Expressions for Enhanced Data Analysis


Welcome to our guide on Empress Expressions, a powerful feature that gives you the ability to perform complex calculations and create intricate filter conditions, as well as calculated columns in your data queries. Expressions can significantly enhance your data analysis capabilities and improve decision-making processes in your business.

What are Empress Expressions?

In Empress, Expressions allow you to manipulate and analyze your data using a combination of aggregations, operators, and functions.

Aggregations help you summarize your data, Operators perform calculations, and Functions provide more complex calculations.

Let’s walk through each of these components and see how you can use them in your everyday business operations.

Empress Aggregations

Aggregations in Empress help you to summarize and quantify your data. Here are the available aggregations and how they can be used:

  • sum: Use this to add up the values of a metric.
  • avg: Compute the average of a metric’s values.
  • min: Identify the smallest value of a metric.
  • max: Find the highest value of a metric.
  • count: Total the number of rows in a column.
  • count_if: Tally the number of rows in a column that meet a specific condition.
  • sum_if: Add up the values of a metric that meet a certain condition.
  • distinct: Produce the unique values of a column.

Empress Operators

Operators in Empress allow you to perform various calculations on your data. Here are the operators you can use:

  • +: Add two numbers together.
  • -: Subtract one number from another.
  • *****: Multiply two numbers.
  • /: Divide one number by another.
  • =: Check if two values are identical.
  • !=: Verify if two values are different.
  • >: Determine if the first value is larger than the second.
  • >=: Confirm if the first value is larger or equal to the second.
  • <: Check if the first value is smaller than the second.
  • <=: Validate if the first value is smaller or equal to the second.
  • &&: Verify if both conditions are true.
  • ||: Check if at least one of two conditions is true.

Empress Functions

Functions in Empress provide another means to perform complex calculations on your data. Here are the available functions:

  • abs: Return the absolute value of a number.
  • floor: Round a number down to the closest integer.
  • ceil: Round a number up to the nearest integer.
  • round: Round a number to the closest integer.
  • now: Give the current date and time.
  • today: Return the current date.
  • timespan: Provide two dates based on interval and unit.
  • case: Return a value based on specific conditions.
  • in: Check if a value is in a list.
  • not_in: Verify if a value is not in a list.
  • is_set: Check if a column is set.
  • is_not_set: Verify if a column is not set.
  • between: Check if a value is within a range of two values.
  • if_null: Return a specified value if a column is null.
  • coalesce: Return the first non-null value found.
  • contains: Check if a column value includes a certain substring.
  • not_contains: Verify if a column value does not include a specific substring.
  • ends_with: Check if a column value ends with a certain substring.
  • starts_with: Confirm if a column value begins with a specific substring.
  • replace: Substitute a substring with another substring.
  • lower: Convert a string to lowercase.
  • upper: Convert a string to uppercase.
  • concat: Join two strings together.

With Empress Expressions, you can create powerful, complex expressions that can significantly enhance your data analysis capabilities within your business. Whether you’re trying to gain better insights into customer behavior, improve operational efficiency, or make more informed strategic decisions, Empress Expressions are a valuable tool in your data analysis toolkit.