Mastering Empress Issue Feature for Streamlined Customer Service


Welcome to this guide! Today we’ll be exploring the Issue handling feature in Empress, a powerful tool that can greatly enhance your customer service capabilities. This feature is all about managing and responding to customer queries or problems.

Introduction: The Importance of the Issue Feature

The Issue feature in Empress is designed to streamline and simplify your customer service process. By tracking queries as they come in, the Issue feature allows you to respond promptly and professionally, ensuring high customer satisfaction and fostering strong relationships with your customers.

Getting Started: Prerequisites

Before you can start using the Issue feature, you’ll need to have two things in place:

  • Customers: This refers to the people or organizations who will be sending you queries. You’ll need to have a customer database set up in Empress.
  • Email Account: This should be a dedicated customer support email address. This is where your incoming queries will be sent.

How to Create an Issue

Creating an Issue in Empress is simple. If you’ve set up the append to feature in the Email Account section, Issues will be created automatically. You can also create an Issue manually. Here’s how:

  1. Navigate to the Issue list, then click on New.
  2. Enter the Subject, Raised By, and a brief description of the Issue.

When you create an Issue, you’ll have a few additional options for detailing the problem:

  • Status: This shows where the issue is in your process. Options include “Open”, “Replied”, “Hold”, “Resolved”, or “Closed”.
  • Customer: If the query came from a customer in your Empress database, their details will appear here.
  • Priority: This indicates how urgent the issue is. You can set this as Low, Medium, or High.
  • Issue Type: This helps you categorize the issue. Options can include ‘Functional’, ‘Technical’, ‘Hardware’, etc.
  • Raised By (Email): This shows the email address that the Issue came from.

Exploring the Features

Now let’s take a closer look at what the Issue feature can do:

Detailed Descriptions

The Description field lets you add more information about the issue, helping your team understand and resolve the problem more effectively.

Service Level Agreements (SLA)

This option allows you to select a Service Level Agreement for the issue. This is a contract that outlines the expected level of service, helping you to meet your customer’s expectations.

Response and Resolution Information

These fields provide useful information about your team’s response to the issue, and when and how the issue was resolved. This can help you to track your team’s performance and improve your processes.


You can sort and filter issues based on related fields such as Lead, Contact, Email Account, Project, Company. This can help you to keep your issues organized and easily accessible.

What to Do After Saving an Issue

Once you’ve saved an issue, there are several actions you can take:

Add Comments

Your support team can add comments to the issue, facilitating internal discussions and collaborative problem-solving.

Send Emails

You can compose and send an email directly to the person who raised the issue, right from Empress.

Track Discussions

All emails related to the issue are stored in a discussion thread. This makes it easy to track the history of the issue and the responses that have been sent.

Assign Issues

You can assign an issue to a specific team member. They’ll receive a message notifying them that the issue has been assigned to them.

Close Issues

You can manually close an issue once it’s been resolved. If the customer doesn’t reply within 7 days, the issue will be automatically closed.

To Conclude

The Issue feature in Empress is a powerful tool for any business. It simplifies and streamlines your customer service process, helping you to respond quickly and effectively to customer queries. By using this feature, you can improve your customer satisfaction and build stronger customer relationships. For further assistance or information, please refer to the Empress User Guide or contact our Support Team.