Mastering Empress: Leveraging Employee External Work History

Welcome to this comprehensive guide on the Employee External Work History feature in Empress, tailored for business users. With our user-friendly approach, you’ll familiarize yourself with this feature, learn how to use it, and understand how it can benefit your everyday business operations.


The Employee External Work History feature provides a comprehensive view of an employee’s past work experience outside your organization. In a competitive business environment, understanding your workforce’s skills and experiences can be crucial for planning, training, and decision-making processes.

Feature Overview

Here’s what you can do with the Employee External Work History feature:

  • View a detailed history of an employee’s previous roles, from the company they worked for to the positions they held, their salary, and their total experience.
  • Edit information to ensure accuracy and up-to-date records.
  • Sort data to get a clearer picture of your employees’ career paths.
  • Track changes to keep a precise record of updates made to an employee’s external work history.

How to Use the Feature

  1. Accessing Employee External Work History: Navigate to the “Employee External Work History” tab on an employee’s profile. Here you’ll find a comprehensive list of their past work experiences.

  2. Viewing Details: To view the details of a particular experience, click on the entry. You’ll see the company name, the employee’s designation, salary, address of the company, contact information, and total experience.

  3. Editing Information: To edit any information, click on the ‘Edit’ button next to the entry. Make the necessary changes and click ‘Save’ to update the record.

  4. Sorting Data: You can sort the data by any field. Click on the field header (e.g., ‘Company Name’, ‘Designation’) to sort the entries accordingly.

  5. Tracking Changes: All changes made to an employee’s external work history are tracked. You can view the history of changes by clicking on the ‘History’ tab.

User Roles and Permissions

Access to the Employee External Work History feature can be managed based on user roles and permissions. Administrators can grant or limit access as per the business requirements and employee roles, ensuring only authorized personnel can view, edit, or delete information.


The Employee External Work History feature is a valuable tool that can help your business to better understand and utilize your workforce’s skills and experiences. It provides a simple interface to view, edit, sort, and track an employee’s past work experiences, enabling you to make informed decisions and plan effectively.

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