Mastering Empress Print Settings for Optimal Efficiency


Welcome to this user-friendly guide designed to help you understand and make the most of the Print Settings feature in Empress. As a business tool, Empress is designed to help streamline your operations, including the essential task of printing documents.

Why Use Print Settings?

Print Settings is a feature that allows you to tailor the way your documents look when printed or sent via email. This includes adjusting the paper size, default text size, and output format (PDF or HTML). As Empress is a browser-based tool, the actual print command is executed by the browser you’re using.

Accessing Print Settings

To access the Print Settings, start from your Home page, navigate to Settings, and then select Print Settings.

Diving into Print Settings

Let’s look at the different configurations available in the Print Settings.

PDF Settings

PDF or HTML: Empress allows you to send documents such as sales invoices in either PDF or HTML formats. The default setting is PDF, but you can easily switch to HTML by deselecting the “Send Print as PDF” option.

Repeat Header and Footer in PDF: Empress lets you include a standard header and footer in your documents. If you prefer not to repeat the header and footer on each page, you can disable this setting.

PDF Page Size: Customize your PDF page size according to your needs. While the default size is A4, Empress gives you the freedom to choose any size, including custom dimensions defined in millimeters.

Page Settings

Print With Letterhead: Activate this setting if you want a letterhead to be included when printing a document. Remember, you need to set a default Letter Head or select one for the document for it to appear in the print view.

Compact Item Print: Enable this feature to reduce clutter when printing transactions with many columns. When activated, it simplifies the table to four columns: Description, Quantity, Rate, and Amount. Additional column values are concatenated in the Description column.

Allow Print for Draft: By default, Empress restricts printing of draft documents. If you want to allow users to print documents at the Draft stage, enable this setting.

Always add “Draft” Heading for printing draft documents: If you enable this option, a “Draft” heading will appear in the Print Format, indicating that the document is not fully authenticated yet.

Allow Page Break Inside Table: For longer item descriptions, you can allow the item’s details to be split across two pages. Enable this feature to insert a page break between the item description and the rest of the item’s details.

Allow Print for Canceled: Empress allows you to print canceled transactions, which do not affect the reports. Enable this setting if you wish to print these transactions.

Print Taxes with Zero Amount: If you wish to include taxes with a zero amount in your printed sales and purchase transactions, enable this setting.

Network Printer/Print Server

Empress enables you to set up a print server by inputting the print server IP and port, and selecting the default printer. This requires the installation of the pycups library, which may also require installing the cups library, depending on your operating system.

Raw Printing

Empress supports raw printing, enabling you to print to many supported thermal printers.


The Print Settings feature in Empress is designed to make your printing tasks easier and more efficient. By customizing these settings according to your needs, you can optimize your printing process and enhance your overall Empress experience. Please refer to our other resources for more non-technical support and guidance on using Empress.