Mastering Empress' Quality Inspection for Business Success


The Quality Inspection feature in Empress is a powerful tool that helps businesses ensure all incoming and outgoing products meet their standards. By following a systematic inspection process, you can reduce the risk of defective or subpar goods damaging your business reputation or causing unnecessary costs.

Getting Started

To access the Quality Inspection feature, navigate to:

Home > Stock > Tools > Quality Inspection.

Before diving in, please ensure to:

  1. Create an Item: This is the product that will undergo quality inspection.
  2. Enable Quality Inspection Criteria in the Item master: This is a crucial step that ensures each product delivery or receipt is checked for quality before it’s finally approved.
  3. Create a Quality Inspection Template (Optional): A template can help streamline the inspection process by specifying key parameters and acceptance criteria. Once created, the template can be assigned to the Item Master.

Creating a New Quality Inspection

Here’s how to create a new Quality Inspection:

  1. From a Draft Purchase/Subcontracting Receipt or Delivery Note, navigate to the Quality Inspection field in the Item table and select Create a New Quality Inspection.
  2. Choose the inspection type: Incoming (Purchase), Outgoing (Sales), or In Process (Manufacturing).
  3. Select the Reference Document Type: Purchase Receipt, Purchase Invoice, Delivery Note, Sales Invoice, Stock Entry, or Job Card.
  4. Choose the Item and set the sample size for inspection.
  5. The Quality Inspection Template set in the Item master will be fetched automatically.
  6. Assign the inspection to an individual and specify the verifier.
  7. Add any additional Remarks about the Inspection.
  8. Save. Set the Status. Submit.

Quality Inspection Features

A single Quality Inspection comprises many Quality Checks (Parameters), which can be Numeric, Non-numeric, or Formula Based.

Numeric Quality Checks

Numeric Quality Checks involve number-based readings and acceptance criteria. You can define a range for each reading by setting the Minimum Value and Maximum Value. If any reading falls outside this range, the status will automatically be set to ‘Rejected’ upon saving.

Non-numeric (Value-Based) Quality Checks

Non-numeric Quality Checks involve alphabetical values or values that don’t require mathematical calculations. To perform a non-numeric check, enable the ‘Non-numeric’ checkbox and enter the Reading Value. If the Reading Value doesn’t match the Acceptance Criteria Value, the status will automatically be set to ‘Rejected’ upon saving.

Formula-Based Quality Checks

Formula-Based Quality Checks are handy for complex scenarios. Use the Acceptance Criteria Formula field to specify a formula that determines whether a check is Accepted or Rejected. Update the readings and Save. The Status field will automatically update based on the formula for acceptance.

Manual Inspection

In some cases, you may need to manually approve or reject a product, especially when dealing with tolerances. To enable manual inspection, check the ‘Manual Inspection’ box. You can then manually set the status, which won’t change upon saving.

In summary, the Quality Inspection feature in Empress improves the efficiency and effectiveness of your inspection process. By leveraging this feature, you can maintain high-quality standards, reduce the risk of defects, and contribute to the overall success of your business. For further assistance, please refer to the Empress Help Center or contact our support team.