Mastering Empress Selling Settings for Seamless Sales Operations


In Empress, the Selling Settings feature is a valuable tool for managing your sales cycle. This guide will walk you through configuring and understanding the Selling Settings to streamline your sales operations.

Accessing Selling Settings

To start, navigate to:

Home > Selling > Settings > Selling Settings

Setting Customer Defaults

1. Naming Customers

Every customer in Empress is given a distinct ID. By default, the ID is based on the customer’s name. However, you can opt for a “Naming Series” method for customer IDs (e.g., “CUST00001, CUST00002, CUST00003,” etc.).

To set this up, go to:

Setup > Data > Naming Series

2. Default Customer Group and Territory

Setting a default Customer Group and Territory will automatically populate these fields when creating a new customer. If no default values are set, Empress will prompt you to provide them.

Configuring CRM Settings

1. Naming Campaigns

You can also designate the naming method for your Campaigns, similar to customers. By default, the campaign’s name is used.

2. Default Quotation Validity Days

This determines how long your Quotations to customers are valid. The default is set to 30 days from the Quotation’s Posting Date.

3. Auto-Closing Opportunities

Opportunities not marked as Open will automatically close after a certain number of days, which you can specify.

Item Price Settings

1. Default Price List

The Price List set here will be automatically updated in the Price List field of sales transactions like Quotation, Sales Order, Delivery Note, and Sales Invoice.

2. Maintaining Price Consistency

If this feature is on, Empress checks whether an item’s price changes in a Delivery Note or Sales Invoice created from a Sales Order.

3. Actions for Inconsistent Pricing

You can configure the system to either Stop (prevent a price change) or Warn (allow the transaction but warn of a price change).

4. Overriding Stop Action Role

This feature allows users to override the “Stop” action if they have a certain role.

5. Price List Rate Editing

By default, the Price List Rate field in sales transactions can’t be edited. To make it editable, uncheck this field.

6. Selling Price Validation Against Purchase or Valuation Rate

This feature checks if the selling price is less than the buying price, helping to prevent potential losses.

7. Calculating Product Bundle Price Based on Child Items’ Rates

With this setting on, the price of Product Bundles will be calculated based on the prices of its Child Items.

Transaction Settings

1. Requiring Sales Order for Sales Invoice & Delivery Note Creation

This feature allows you to require a Sales Order to create a Sales Invoice or Delivery Note.

2. Requiring Delivery Note for Sales Invoice Creation

You can also require a Delivery Note before creating a Sales Invoice.

3. Sales Update Frequency

This setting determines how often your project progress and company transaction details are updated.

4. Allowing Multiple Entries of the Same Item in a Transaction

This feature prevents the same item from being added multiple times in the same transaction when unchecked.

5. Allowing Multiple Sales Orders Against a Customer’s Purchase Order

This setting allows the creation of multiple Sales Orders against the same Customer Purchase Order.

6. Hiding Customer’s Tax ID from Sales Transactions

If you’d rather not display the unique Tax ID of customers in selling transactions, you can turn off this feature.

7. Calculating Product Bundle Price Based on Child Items’ Rates

With this setting on, the rate and price of Product Bundles in the Items table will be updated based on the rates of its child Items.

In conclusion, the Selling Settings feature in Empress allows you to manage your sales procedures more effectively. For further assistance, please refer to the Empress support resources or contact our support team.