Mastering Empress' Serial Number Feature for Inventory Tracking


In Empress, tracking inventory is made easy with the Serial Number feature. This allows businesses to monitor the location, warranty, and expiry information of each item in their inventory. This guide will guide you through using this feature.


If you have items that are serialized, Empress creates a unique Serial Number for each quantity of that item. This number tracks the item’s supplier, customer, and its current status in your inventory. This is particularly useful for businesses dealing with items that require individual tracking, such as electronics, machinery, or specialized equipment.

To access the list of Serial Numbers, go to: Home > Stock > Serial No and Batch > Serial No.

Getting Started

Before you can utilize the Serial Number feature, you’ll need to have an Item created in Empress and the ‘Has Serial No’ option enabled in the Item master.

Creating a Serial Number

In most cases, Serial Numbers are automatically generated when a transaction is made with a serialized item. This happens when ‘Has Serial No’ is enabled and a series is set in the Item master.

For example, if you set a series for an item as ‘PB2L.#####’ and submitted a Stock Entry to receive the item, Empress will automatically create the Serial Numbers for you.

To manually create a Serial Number:

  1. Navigate to the Serial Number list and click on New.
  2. Enter a unique Serial Number.
  3. Enter the Item Code and the details will be auto-filled.
  4. Save your changes.

Please note that once a transaction is done with an item, you cannot change or remove the Serial No. Also, the inventory of an item can only be changed if the Serial Number is transacted via a Stock transaction (Stock Entry, Purchase Receipt, Delivery Note, Sales Invoice).

Key Features of Serial Numbers

Purchase/Manufacture Details

This section shows the document from which the Serial Number was created. If you purchased the item from a Supplier, their details will be linked here.

Delivery Details

If the Serial Number was generated from a Sales Order, the Customer’s details will be linked here.

Warranty/AMC Details

This is where you can set the expiry dates for the warranty or an Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) of an item.

Additional Information

You can note any extra details about this specific unit of the Item under ‘Serial No Details’.


The Serial Number feature in Empress provides a streamlined approach to inventory management for serialized items. It simplifies tracking and ensures that important details about each item are always available. For further assistance, please refer to additional non-technical resources or support provided by Empress.