Mastering Empress' 'Shop by Category' Feature


Welcome to our guide on how to efficiently use the Shop by Category feature in Empress. This feature is incredibly beneficial for business users as it simplifies the process of product discovery, eliminating the need for customers to manually sift through filters or search options. It offers a streamlined, user-friendly approach to navigating your product offerings.

Getting Started with Shop by Category

  1. Accessing the Feature: Start by heading over to E Commerce Settings > Filters and Categories. Here’s where you’ll find the Shop by Category option.

  2. Setting Up Categories: Look for the Filters and Categories section and make sure that Enable Field Filters (Categories) is switched on. This allows you to create categories from the Website Item Fields section. For example, you can use filters such as Item Group or Brand as your categories. Once you’ve set this up, you’ll see these categories as tabs on the Shop by Category page.

Enhancing the Shop by Category Experience

After setting up your categories, you can further enhance the user experience by adding a slideshow. Simply navigate to the Shop By Category section in E Commerce Settings to add this feature.

Understanding How Records Fetch in Categories

Item Groups

The Item Group category fetches records a bit differently due to its tree structure. Records will only appear in this category if:

  • The Show in Website field in the Item Group is enabled.
  • The Item Group is either the top most group node (with Is Group enabled and parent as ‘All Item Groups’) or the top-most leaf node (with Is Group disabled and parent as ‘All Item Groups’).

Each product card on the page will link to its respective Item Group page.

Other Categories

For all other categories, records are fetched without any specific conditions. If you want to hide certain records in these categories (like in Brand), you can add a custom Show in Website field. Records with this field disabled will not appear in the category.

Custom doctypes that are linked to Website Item via a link field can also be included in these categories, along with Item Group, Brand, and others.


By implementing the Shop by Category feature, you’re making your Empress platform more user-friendly and efficient. Customers can find what they’re looking for with ease, resulting in a better shopping experience and potentially boosting your sales.

If you require further assistance or have any questions, feel free to reach out to our support team. We also offer a range of resources and guides on our website to help you get the most out of Empress.