Mastering Empress System Settings for Enhanced Productivity


Welcome to the Empress System Settings feature. This feature is an essential tool for setting up system-wide configurations that align with your business’s specific needs. With this feature, you can streamline your business operations and enhance your overall productivity.

To begin, you can access the System Settings feature by following this pathway:

Home > Settings > System Settings

Exploring Sections in System Settings

1. General Settings

Here, you can set up basic system preferences:

  • Country: Define the default country for new addresses.
  • Time Zone: Set the time based on your preferred time zone.
  • Language: Choose the global language for your Empress account.
  • Disable Document Sharing: Restrict document sharing to improve security.

2. Date and Number Format Settings

Customize how dates and numbers are displayed:

  • Date Format & Time Format: Choose how dates and time are displayed.
  • Number Format, Float Precision & Currency Precision: Define how numbers are formatted.
  • First Day of the Week: Set your company’s starting day of the week.
  • Rounding Method: Choose your preferred rounding method.

3. Backup Settings

Protect your data with regular backups. Although database backups are automatic, you’ll need to manually download file backups.

4. Permission Settings

Here, you can restrict user access based on parameters like Company, Territory, Branch, etc.

5. Security Settings

Secure your account and manage user activity:

  • Session Expiry & Session Expiry Mobile: Set the inactivity duration after which users are logged out.
  • Document Share Key Expiry (in Days): Set the expiration period for shared document links.
  • Allow only one session per user, Allow Login using Mobile Number, Allow Login using User Name: Control login methods and session management.
  • Show Full Error and Allow Reporting of Issues to the Developer: Enable detailed error messages and issue reporting.
  • Remove EXIF tags from uploaded images: Improve privacy by deleting EXIF metadata from images.
  • Allow Older Web View Links (Insecure): Permit access to older web view links.

6. Password Settings

Manage password security and reset protocols with options like Force User to Reset Password, Enable Password Policy, Minimum Password Score, Reset Password Link Expiry Duration, Password Reset Link Generation Limit.

7. Brute Force Security Settings

Protect your system from brute force attacks with settings like Allow Consecutive Login Attempts & Allow Login After Fail.

8. Two Factor Authentication Settings

Enhance security by configuring Two Factor Authentication (2FA).

9. Email Settings

Customize your email settings with options like Email Footer Address, Disable Standard Email Footer, Hide footer in auto-email reports, Include Web View Link in Email.

10. System Updates Setting

Choose whether to receive version update notifications with the Disable System Update Notification option.

11. File Settings

Set the maximum size limit for file uploads with the Max File Size (MB) setting.

By comprehensively harnessing the power of the System Settings feature, you can optimize your Empress usage to better suit your business needs. This will enhance your productivity and simplify your operations. For additional assistance, please refer to our non-technical resources or contact our support team.