Mastering Empress: Unleashing the Timesheet Detail Feature


The Timesheet Detail feature in Empress is an essential tool for business users who need to manage, track, and bill their work hours accurately. This feature simplifies the process of time tracking, making it easier to estimate project costs, invoice clients, and monitor employee productivity.

Functionality and Benefits

The Timesheet Detail feature allows you to:

  • Track work hours: Accurately record the start and end times of your tasks.
  • Manage projects: Link your time entries to specific projects and tasks.
  • Bill clients: Indicate if the hours are billable and calculate the billing amount based on your set billing rate.
  • Describe work: Add descriptions to your time entries to note down what work was done.
  • Estimate project costs: Record the estimated hours for tasks and see how they compare with the actual hours worked.

All this information is presented in an easy-to-use, editable grid, making it simple to view, edit, and sort your timesheets.

Using the Timesheet Detail Feature

To use the Timesheet Detail feature, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Timesheet Detail option in the Empress menu.
  2. To record a new time entry, click on the Add button.
  3. Fill in the details of your time entry. This includes:
    • Activity Type: The type of work you did.
    • From Time and To Time: The start and end times of your work.
    • Project: The project you were working on.
    • Task: The specific task you were working on within the project.
    • Is Billable: Check this box if the hours worked are billable.
    • Billing Hours: The number of billable hours.
    • Billing Rate: The rate at which the hours will be billed.
    • Description: A brief description of the work done.
  4. Click Save to save your time entry.

User Roles and Permissions

In Empress, access to the Timesheet Detail feature can be controlled based on user roles. For instance, managers might have permission to view and edit all timesheet entries, while employees might only be able to view and edit their own entries. These permissions can be set in the Empress settings.


The Timesheet Detail feature is a powerful tool that can help businesses accurately track work hours, manage projects more efficiently, and bill clients accurately. By providing a clear overview of work hours, it can also support businesses in making informed decisions about resource allocation and project planning.

For more information on how to use Empress, visit the Empress Help Center or contact the Empress support team.