Mastering Empress: Using Won Opportunities Dashboard Chart

Welcome to your user-friendly guide on how to utilize the Won Opportunities Dashboard Chart feature in Empress. This guide is designed specifically with business users in mind, stripping away the technical jargon to provide a straightforward guide on how to make the most of this valuable tool.


The Won Opportunities Dashboard Chart is a powerful feature in Empress that provides visual insight into your company’s won opportunities over a specific period. This feature is part of the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) module, a critical component for any business seeking to monitor and improve their customer interactions and relationships.


The Won Opportunities Dashboard Chart generates a graph, specifically a bar chart, based on the ‘Opportunity’ documents that have been marked as ‘Converted’, meaning the potential business opportunity has been successfully realized.

Primary functions and benefits of the Won Opportunities Dashboard Chart include:

  • Viewing Opportunities: The chart provides a visual representation of all won opportunities over a certain time period (default is ‘Last Year’) which allows for easier interpretation and understanding of data.
  • Sorting Opportunities: This feature includes time-based filtering, allowing you to sort the won opportunities by ‘Monthly’ intervals.
  • Tracking Opportunities: By presenting your data visually, it’s easier to track progress and identify trends over time.

How to Use

Navigating and using this feature is simple. Here are the steps to get you started:

  1. Navigate to the CRM module on your Empress dashboard.
  2. Click on the ‘Dashboard Chart’ option.
  3. Select the ‘Won Opportunities’ chart from the list of available charts.
  4. Once the chart is displayed, you can adjust the time period and intervals according to your preferences.

User Roles and Permissions

As a business user, you have the permission to view this chart. However, modifying the chart, such as changing the filters or the type of document it is based on, requires administrative access.


The Won Opportunities Dashboard Chart is a critical tool in Empress for businesses to effectively visualize and monitor their successful opportunities. It provides a clear picture of business growth and customer conversion trends, aiding in strategic decision-making processes.

For further assistance or queries, feel free to explore our additional resources or reach out to our support team. Happy charting!