Mastering Empress: Utilizing the Target Detail Feature


In the world of business, one of the most important aspects of running a successful company is being able to set, track, and manage targets. To assist with this, Empress offers the Target Detail feature. This feature allows you to define and track targets for different business parameters like sales, revenue, production quantities, and more.

With Target Detail, you can set individual targets for each of your product categories, fiscal years, and even have a unique target distribution for each. This guide will walk you through how to use this feature in your everyday business operations.

Setting Up a Target Detail

1. Accessing the Target Detail Feature

To begin using the Target Detail feature, navigate to the main Empress dashboard. From here, select the Target Detail option within the “Setup” menu.

2. Creating a New Target Detail

Click on the “New” button to create a new target detail. You will be presented with several fields that need to be filled out:

  • Item Group: Select the product category for which you are setting the target.
  • Fiscal Year: Choose the fiscal year for which the target is applicable.
  • Target Quantity (Target Qty): Enter the quantity you intend to achieve.
  • Target Amount: Enter the monetary value you aim to reach.
  • Target Distribution: Select the distribution method for your target.

Once you’ve entered all the necessary information, click “Save” to store your target detail.

Viewing and Editing Target Details

To view or edit existing target details, select the target detail you wish to view or modify from the list displayed on the Target Detail page. You can sort this list by item group, fiscal year, or target amount to find the specific target detail you’re looking for.

To edit a target detail, simply change the information in the fields you wish to update and then click “Save.”

User Roles and Permissions

In Empress, user roles and permissions can be managed to control who can view, create, or edit target details. As an administrator, you can assign these roles and permissions to individual users according to their responsibilities within your business.


The Target Detail feature in Empress is a powerful tool for businesses, enabling you to set, track, and manage targets effectively. By understanding and utilizing this feature, you can ensure that your business goals are clearly defined and tracked, contributing to your overall business success.

For further assistance or more detailed instructions, please refer to the Empress user guide or contact our support team.