Mastering Empress's Asset Location for Optimal Business Control


Welcome to this user-friendly guide on how to utilize the Asset Location feature in Empress. This feature is a game-changer for businesses, particularly those with multiple facilities. It simplifies the complex task of keeping track of your business assets’ physical locations. Whether in your administrative offices, manufacturing plants, warehouses, or other facilities, Asset Location ensures you know exactly where your assets are located.

How to Create a Location

Creating a unique location for each of your facilities in Empress is a breeze. This process involves assigning a ‘Location’ label to each facility.

Simply go to the Asset Location page and click on the ‘New’ button. You’ll then enter the name of your location. This unique label allows you to easily monitor which assets are at specific locations at any given time.

Enhancing Accuracy with Geographic Coordinates

For an extra level of precision, Empress allows you to add geographic coordinates to each location. This is achieved by entering the Latitude and Longitude details of the location. This feature heightens the accuracy of your asset tracking, providing you with a more detailed location overview.

Documenting Asset Movements

When an asset is moved from one facility to another, it’s important to keep a record. Empress makes this easy with the Asset Movement record. You need to create a new record every time an asset is relocated. This ensures your asset tracking information remains up-to-date.

Visualizing Your Asset Locations

Empress helps you visualize your asset locations using a map. This map includes all your designated ‘Locations’. By taking a glance at this map, you can get a quick, comprehensive understanding of your assets’ locations.


The Asset Location feature in Empress significantly enhances the efficiency and accuracy of business processes. It is a powerful tool for optimal asset utilization and control, particularly for businesses with wide-ranging or dispersed assets.

For further assistance or more information, please visit our non-technical resources section or connect with our support team. Make the most of Empress and take control of your business operations today!