Mastering Empress's Kanban Board for Efficient Workflows


Welcome to this user-friendly guide on how to navigate and utilize the Kanban Board feature in Empress. Designed with the business user in mind, this guide will highlight how the Kanban Board can be used to enhance workflow visualization, control, and optimization.

What is the Kanban Board?

The Kanban Board is a visual tool that allows you to organize and track your business operations in real-time. Each card on the board represents a different Document, which is listed under a specific Document Type. These cards are organized based on the stage of the transaction, allowing you to visually monitor the progress of your tasks.

One of the key features of the Kanban Board is the ability to move cards from one stage to another, simply by dragging and dropping. This makes it easy to update task statuses and ensure everything is on track.

Creating a Kanban Board

Creating a new Kanban Board couldn’t be simpler. Here’s how:

  1. Navigate to the Kanban Board option in the Empress menu.
  2. Click on ‘Create New Board’.
  3. Follow the on-screen prompts to set up your board.

Adding and Editing Cards

The Kanban Board is designed to be dynamic and flexible, allowing you to add new tasks or edit existing ones easily. To add a new task, simply:

  1. Click on ‘Add Tasks’ button.
  2. Fill in the necessary details and click ‘Save’.

To edit a task, just click on the card and make your changes.

Updating Card Status

Keeping your Kanban Board up-to-date is as easy as dragging and dropping. To update the status of a task, drag the card from its current column to the one representing its new status.

Managing Columns

The Kanban Board allows you to add, archive, or restore columns as needed. To add a new column, click on ‘Add Columns’. To archive a column, choose ‘Archive’ from the drop-down menu on the card. If you need to restore an archived column, you can do so from the list of archived columns on the Kanban Board.

Using Filters

Empress allows you to create multiple Kanban Boards based on different filters. To save filters for a Kanban Board, click on ‘Menu’ and then select ‘Save filters’.


The Kanban Board feature in Empress provides an intuitive, visual way to manage your workflow. By allowing you to track the progress of tasks, update statuses with a simple drag and drop, and customize your board with filters, the Kanban Board enhances efficiency and collaboration within your team. For further assistance, please refer to the Empress Help Center or contact our support team.