Mastering Empress's 'Make Read Only After Saving' Feature


Welcome to this Empress guide where we’ll walk you through the “Make Read Only After Saving” feature. This handy tool enables you to update a field’s visibility within a document type, allowing you to make a field read-only after a document has been saved. This is particularly useful for business users who want to prevent further changes to a document after it has been saved.

Understanding “Make Read Only After Saving”

“Make Read Only After Saving” is a feature in Empress designed to help you control the editability of your form fields. In a practical sense, this means that once a document has been saved, certain fields can be made read-only, preventing further changes and maintaining the integrity of the information.

How it Works

Every document type in Empress has a property known as __islocal. This property tells you whether a document has been saved at least once or never been saved. If __islocal is 1, it means the document hasn’t been saved yet.

To change the read-only property of a field based on whether the document is new or saved, Empress uses a method called cur_frm.set_df_property.

Step-by-Step Guide

Here’s how you can use the cur_frm.set_df_property method:

  1. Access The Refresh Event of the Form: The cur_frm.set_df_property method is used within the refresh event of the form. This ensures that the read-only property of your chosen field is updated every time the form is refreshed.

  2. Determine If The Document Is New or Saved: Empress uses a method called frm.is_new() to check if the document has been saved. If the document is new (i.e., unsaved), the is_new() method returns 1, making the field editable. However, if the document is not new (i.e., saved at least once), the is_new() method returns 0, making the field read-only.

Here’s what the script might look like:

frappe.ui.form.on("MyDocType", "refresh", function(frm) {
    frm.set_df_property("myfield", "read_only", frm.is_new() ? 0 : 1);

In this script, “myfield” is the name of the field you want to make read-only after saving the document.

The Benefits

By using the “Make Read Only After Saving” feature, you can:

  • Enhance Usability: Create more interactive and user-friendly forms.
  • Maintain Data Integrity: Prevent further changes to a document after it has been saved.
  • Improve Workflow Efficiency: Streamline data entry and document management processes.

By understanding and effectively using properties and methods like __islocal, cur_frm.set_df_property, and frm.is_new(), you can significantly enhance the usability and functionality of your Empress applications.

For additional support or resources on how to make the most of Empress, please visit our non-technical help center or contact our customer support team. Happy Empressing!