Mastering Export/Print Permissions for Secure Reporting



In the business world, sharing information in a structured and secure way is vital. Empress offers you a feature that lets you control who can export and print reports generated from your system. The Export/Print Permissions feature allows you to specify which roles can export or print a particular report, enhancing your data security and maintaining the organization of your Empress system.

This guide will guide you on how to utilize this feature effectively, helping you to streamline your business operations and ensure that the right people have the right level of access to your reports.

Identifying the Report’s Originating Document Type

Before you can manage the permissions for a report, you need to know the Document Type from which the report originates. To identify this, navigate to your Empress dashboard and locate the specific report. The Document Type will be listed there. For example, if the report is based on sales invoices, the Document Type would be ‘Sales Invoice.’

Accessing and Using the Role Permission Manager

Once you’ve identified the Document Type, the next step is to go to the Role Permission Manager. Here’s how:

  1. From your Empress dashboard, navigate to the Role Permission Manager.
  2. In the Role Permission Manager, use the filter function to select the same Document Type that your report is based on.
  3. You’ll now see a list of roles and the permissions currently set for each role for that Document Type.

Now you can edit the permissions for any role. To do this, simply click on the role you want to edit, and you’ll see options to enable or disable their ability to export or print the report.

User Roles and Permissions

In Empress, user roles are used to define what level of access a user has to different functions and data. By managing the export/print permissions for each role, you can ensure that only the right people have the ability to export or print your reports. This is a great way to improve data security and ensure that sensitive business information is only accessed by authorized personnel.


The Export/Print Permissions feature in Empress is a powerful tool that allows you to manage who can export or print your reports. By understanding how to identify the originating Document Type for a report and how to use the Role Permission Manager, you can effectively tailor the level of access each role in your organization has to your reports. This not only enhances data security but also ensures a smoother, more efficient operation of your business.

For more assistance or information, feel free to explore our other non-technical resources or reach out to our support team.