Mastering Hierarchical Data Organization with Empress' Tree Structures


In Empress, a key feature available to business users is the Tree Structure Masters. This feature allows you to organize related information in a hierarchical manner, similar to a family tree. This functionality is vital for creating intelligent reports and tracking growth at each level of your business processes.

Tree Structure Masters are used in Empress to manage various types of data, including:

  • Chart of Accounts
  • Chart of Cost Centers
  • Customer Group
  • Territory
  • Sales Person
  • Item Group

This guide will guide you on how to navigate and manage these tree-structured masters. For the purpose of this guide, we will use the Territory master as an example.

Step 1: Navigating to the Master

  1. To navigate to the Territory master, follow this path:

Selling > Setup > Territory

Step 2: Selecting a Parent Territory

  1. Once you’re in the Territory master, you’ll see a list of existing territories. These are known as Parent Territories. Clicking on a Parent territory provides you with the option to add a child territory under it.

  2. All default Territory groups are listed under the Parent group titled “All Territories.” You have the option to add further Parent or Child Territory Groups under it.

Step 3: Adding a new Territory

  1. When you’re ready to add a new territory, click on ‘Add Child.’ A dialog box will appear with two fields:

    • Territory Group Name: Enter the name of the new territory here.

    • Group Node: Select ‘Yes’ if this new territory will be a Parent, meaning you can create sub-territories under it. Select ‘No’ if it will be a Child Territory, which you can select in other masters.

Remember, only Child Territory Groups are selectable in other masters and transactions.

By following these steps, you can effectively manage other tree masters within Empress. This setup enables more efficient data organization, facilitating easier reporting and tracking.

This Tree Structure Masters feature in Empress is a powerful tool that enhances your business processes by providing a clear, hierarchical structure to your data. This not only makes data management easier, but also enables you to generate intelligent reports and track growth in a more organized manner.

For further assistance or additional resources, please refer to the Empress user guide or contact our support team.