Mastering Inventory Dimensions for Effective Stock Management


Empress offers a feature called Inventory Dimensions that helps manage your inventory more effectively. This feature allows you to track your inventory using multiple parameters, such as warehouses, batches and serial numbers. You can also customize these parameters to suit your business needs.

What is Inventory Dimensions?

The Inventory Dimensions feature in Empress provides a powerful tool for tracking your inventory based on various parameters. This feature allows you to view stock ledgers and balances, sorted by these dimensions.

Accessing Inventory Dimensions

You can access the Inventory Dimension feature by following this simple path:

Stock > Settings > Inventory Dimension

Creating an Inventory Dimension

Creating a new inventory dimension in Empress is easy. Simply create a new record and select the document you want to use as a custom Inventory Dimension. You can select any non-child document as a reference document. After this, provide a name for the dimension and the system will create a custom link field in the applicable documents.

Applying Inventory Dimensions

You have two ways to apply the inventory dimensions:

1. Apply to All Inventory Documents

If you want the custom dimension to be applicable across all inventory-related documents, choose this option. For example, if you create an Inventory Dimension named “Shelf” and choose “Apply to All Inventory Document Types,” the system will create a custom link field named “Shelf” across all inventory documents.

2. Apply to Specific Documents

If you want to apply Inventory Dimension to specific documents, disable the checkbox “Apply to All Inventory Document Types” and select the respective document in the “Applicable to Document” field. You can also use the “Applicable Condition” feature to add Inventory Dimension under specific conditions.

Using Inventory Dimensions

After creating the Inventory Dimension, a custom field will be created in the respective documents. Users can then select the Inventory Dimension in the respective transaction. For example, if you add an Inventory Dimension as “Shelf” in the Stock Entry Detail document, you will have an option to select a shelf. After the stock entry’s submission, the system will create stock ledgers with selected inventory dimensions.

Negative Stock Validation

The Inventory Dimension feature also enables a “Validate Negative Stock” checkbox. If enabled, the system will not allow stock transactions if the respective dimensions have negative stock in the respective warehouse. This feature prevents stock transactions with negative stock for the inventory dimension.

Stock Balance and Stock Ledger Reports

The Inventory Dimension feature also enhances the functionality of Stock Balance and Stock Ledger reports. Users can filter these reports using the Inventory Dimension, allowing you to view the available quantity based on the Inventory Dimension.

Note: The stock reconciliation functionality can only be used with inventory dimensions to enter opening values. It can’t modify the available stock or the valuation. If an attempt is made to update the quantity or valuation rate through stock reconciliation, the system will display an error.

By using the Inventory Dimension feature, you can streamline your inventory management process, providing a more efficient and effective way to manage your inventory. Whether it’s tracking stock across multiple warehouses, batches, or custom parameters, the Inventory Dimension feature offers a robust solution for your business needs. If you need additional assistance, Empress offers a variety of non-technical resources and support to help you get the most out of this feature.