Mastering Invoice Tracking with Invoice Summary API


Welcome to the Invoice Summary API guide! This feature is your ultimate tool for managing invoices with ease. Providing you with a comprehensive list of all your invoices, whether they’ve been paid or are still outstanding, it helps you stay on top of your finances.

What is the Invoice Summary API?

The Invoice Summary API is a feature designed to keep you informed about all your invoices, sorted by their date of creation. Each invoice includes a list of individual line items, allowing you to know exactly what each invoice comprises.

How to Access Invoice Summary API

Accessing the Invoice Summary API is a straightforward process. You request the information from a specific link, or “endpoint”. The endpoint you’ll need to access your invoice summary is:


To make this request, you’ll need to include specific details, like your Authorization and Empress Team details. These act as your “keys” to access the information.

Understanding the Response

After you’ve made your request, the Invoice Summary API will respond with a list of all your invoices. Each invoice will include a range of helpful details:

  • name - The unique identifier for the invoice
  • status - Whether the invoice has been paid or not
  • period_end - When the invoice period ends
  • payment_mode - How the invoice was paid
  • type - The type of invoice
  • currency - Which currency the invoice is in
  • amount_paid - How much has been paid for the invoice
  • items - A list of all items included in the invoice

Each item within an invoice will also include further details, like the amount, name, type, quantity, rate, and plan.

Why Use Invoice Summary API?

The Invoice Summary API is an invaluable tool for businesses as it allows you to easily manage and track all your invoices. From seeing which invoices are outstanding to understanding the specifics of each invoice, this feature helps ensure your finances are in order.

For additional support or resources, please reach out to our non-technical customer service team who are always happy to help. Make your invoice management a breeze with the Invoice Summary API.