Mastering Multi-Selection with Empress Table MultiSelect Field


Welcome to our user-friendly guide on using the Table MultiSelect Field in Empress. This powerful feature has the potential to greatly streamline your business operations by allowing the selection of multiple values at a time.

Say, for example, you need to assign a task to multiple team members. Rather than manually entering each individual, the Table MultiSelect Field enables you to select all relevant team members at once.

In this guide, we’ll take you through the easy steps of adding a Table MultiSelect Field to your project in Empress.

Step 1: Setting Up a Child DocType

Start by creating a new DocType. When doing this, make sure to check the boxes labeled ‘Is Child Table’ and ‘Editable Grid’.

In this new DocType, you need to add a field of the ‘Link’ type. This is an essential part of the process, so remember to set the link field as mandatory.

To ensure the best user experience, the field within the child table should have the “In List View” option selected.

Step 2: Introducing the Table MultiSelect Field

Now it’s time to introduce the Table MultiSelect Field. Create a new field with the ‘Table MultiSelect’ type.

In the ‘options’, add the DocType you created in the first step.

Once your Table MultiSelect field is set up, it’s simple to remove any selected value. Just click on the cross sign next to the selected value, or place the cursor next to the value and press Backspace.

Remember, this field allows one value to be selected only once.

Please note, however, that Table MultiSelect fields cannot be added in child DocTypes.

Conclusion: The Power of the Table MultiSelect Field

Incorporating Table MultiSelect fields into your Empress project can dramatically enhance its functionality and user-friendliness.

By enabling multiple selections, this feature can make your business processes more efficient and intuitive.

For more guidance on leveraging the full potential of Empress, please explore our other user-friendly guides and support resources. Happy business building!