Mastering Navigation of Empress Home Screen and Module Pages


Welcome to Empress, your advanced yet intuitive business management system. This guide will guide you through the Home Screen and the Module Pages, two fundamental features that make navigating Empress a breeze.

The Home Screen

Upon logging into Empress, you’ll be greeted by a highly organized Home Screen. This screen consists of various cards, each representing a different Module or Domain within the system.

Here’s what you’ll find:

  • Modules: These are your universally useful tools. Regardless of your industry, modules like Human Resources, CRM, Buying, and Selling are applicable to all businesses.

  • Domains: These are your industry-specific tools. Modules such as Education and Manufacturing cater to the unique demands of certain industries.

  • Places: These features aren’t industry-specific and may not be necessary for daily operations. Here, you’ll find the Website, Dashboards, and Marketplace features.

  • Administration: These are your system setup and management tools.

Each card on the Home Screen has a drop-down menu filled with shortcut items. This menu allows you to efficiently access various functions associated with that module.

You can also customize the Home Screen by reordering the cards and choosing which ones to display or hide, all to suit your personal preferences and business needs.

The Module Page

Clicking on a Module card on the Home Screen will take you to the corresponding Module Page. Here, you’ll find all the details, reports, and settings associated with that specific module.

Understanding the Module Page

On the Module Page, you’ll notice that some links are greyed out. These links are dependent on certain actions to be taken first. For example, to access the sales register, you need to create a Sales Invoice first.

The Module Page also includes color-coded indicators to keep you updated on your tasks:

  • A red indicator means you have open or overdue tasks.

  • A blue indicator means there are no open tasks.

  • An orange indicator suggests that the report hasn’t been accessed, or no document has been created in the corresponding doctype.


With the Home Screen and Module Pages, navigating through Empress is simple and efficient. These features provide quick access to all the tools you need, keep you updated on your tasks, and allow you to customize the interface to suit your business operations.

If you need additional assistance, our support team is always ready to help. Simply click on the Help icon at the top right of any page in Empress. Enjoy exploring Empress and enhancing your business processes!