Mastering Opening Stock Management with Empress


In Empress, different roles and permissions can be assigned to users to manage and control access to the Opening Stock functionality. These user roles include:

  • Inventory Manager: Responsible for managing and overseeing all aspects of the company’s inventory including posting of opening stock.

  • Accountant: Tracks financial implications of the inventory transactions.

  • Warehouse Manager: Oversees the physical inventory in the warehouse and verifies the quantities before they’re posted as opening stock.

How to Assign Roles and Permissions

Assigning roles and permissions in Empress is simple:

  1. Navigate to the Settings section of the Empress platform.
  2. Select Users and Permissions.
  3. Click on the desired user’s name.
  4. On the user’s page, click on Roles.
  5. Check the boxes next to the roles you want to assign to the user.
  6. Click Save.

Remember, the right allocation of roles and permissions ensures smooth and secure operations in your business. It helps to prevent unauthorized access and keeps your business data safe.

Conclusion: The Importance of Opening Stock in Your Business

In conclusion, the Opening Stock feature in Empress is more than just a number. It’s a crucial part of your inventory management and accounting processes. It allows you to keep track of your stock levels, manage your inventory efficiently, and make informed business decisions.

With Empress, you can easily post your opening stock, whether it’s for non-serialized, serialized, or batched items. Plus, with the right roles and permissions, you can ensure that only authorized personnel have access to this important feature.

For any further assistance or inquiries, you can always refer to the Empress user manual or reach out to our dedicated customer support team. Empress is committed to simplifying your business management processes and helping you succeed.