Mastering Opportunity Creation in Empress Business Management


Welcome to our guide on how to understand and create opportunities using the Empress business management system. An Opportunity is a lead that’s shown interest in your business’s products or services and it’s a crucial element in your sales pipeline.

What is an Opportunity?

An Opportunity is essentially a qualified lead. It signifies that a potential customer has shown interest in a product or service your business offers. You can convert a lead into an opportunity, and create multiple opportunities against a single lead or customer.

Accessing Opportunities

To access your list of opportunities, follow this simple path:

Home > CRM > Sales Pipeline > Opportunity

How to Create an Opportunity

Creating an opportunity is a straightforward process:

  1. Visit the Opportunity list and click on ‘Add Opportunity’.
  2. In ‘Opportunity From’, select Lead if the opportunity originates from a lead.
  3. Alternatively, navigate to a Lead with ‘Open’ status and select “Opportunity” under the Create dropdown.
  4. In ‘Opportunity From’, select Customer if the opportunity arises from a customer.
  5. Select Opportunity Type - this specifies the broad category of opportunity such as Sales, Support, Maintenance, etc.
  6. More details like Opportunity Amount, Probability (of conversion), Currency can be added in the ‘SALES’ section.
  7. By clicking on the ‘With Items’ checkbox, you can capture the details of the products/services needed, adding the item and quantity details in the ‘Items’ section.
  8. Enter the Source of the opportunity in the SOURCE section.

Key Features of the Opportunity Module

Follow Up Reminders

Regular interaction with opportunities is crucial for nurturing relationships. You can set the ‘Next Contact Date’ and ‘Next Contact By’ fields, and a calendar event will be added for the user selected in the ‘Next Contact By’ field. A notification will appear on the specified date.

Auto-assignment of Opportunities

Empress has a feature that enables automatic assignment of opportunities to sales executives, ensuring effective management of leads.

Auto-closure of Opportunities

Empress allows you to automatically close opportunities that haven’t responded within a set number of days. This helps keep your sales pipeline clean and focused.

Quotation Creation

You can easily create a Quotation from an opportunity, and relevant field values will be carried over. This saves time and ensures consistency.

Capturing Reasons for Lost Opportunities

When an opportunity is lost, you can record the reasons and competitors involved. This helps you to analyze trends over time and identify areas of improvement within your business.

Response Time Tracking

Empress calculates the time taken to send the first reply (email) to an Opportunity. This is displayed in a field called ‘Mins to First Response’ and helps in assessing your business’s responsiveness.


Understanding and effectively managing opportunities is vital for any business. With Empress, you can easily track and manage your sales pipeline, predict future business, and allocate resources accordingly. This guide has provided a basic understanding of the Opportunity feature in Empress. For further assistance, please refer to additional resources or contact our support team.