Mastering Pending Work Order Dashboard for Business Efficiency

Welcome to this guide on the Pending Work Order Dashboard Chart feature in Empress. This guide will guide you on how to effectively use this feature to improve your business processes.


The Pending Work Order Dashboard Chart is a powerful tool in Empress that visually presents the status of work orders. It is a significant feature as it gives you a snapshot of the work orders that are in progress, completed, or pending, thus providing valuable insights for decision-making.

Using the Pending Work Order Dashboard Chart

Here, we’ll guide you on how to view, edit, sort, and track information using this feature.

Viewing the Dashboard Chart

To view the Pending Work Order Dashboard Chart:

  1. Navigate to the Manufacturing module.
  2. On the main dashboard, the chart will be displayed.

Editing the Dashboard Chart

To edit the Pending Work Order Dashboard Chart:

  1. Hover over the chart, click on the three dots that appear on the top right corner.
  2. Click on Edit.
  3. You can change the Chart Type, Time Interval, and other parameters as per your business needs.

Sorting Information

The chart allows you to sort information based on Aging. The Charts Based on Age filter in the Filters JSON section allows you to sort work orders according to their age.

Tracking Information

The Pending Work Order Dashboard Chart allows you to track work orders over time. You can set the Time Interval to Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly, etc., to track the status of work orders over different periods.

User Roles and Permissions

As per your business needs, you can set the chart to be viewable to all users by setting Is Public to 1, or only to specific users by setting it to 0 and specifying the users in the User Permissions section.


The Pending Work Order Dashboard Chart feature in Empress is an invaluable tool for business users. It provides a visual representation of the status of work orders, allowing for effective decision-making and resource allocation. By learning how to use this feature, you can enhance your business processes and improve efficiency.

For additional support or resources, please refer to the Empress user guide or contact the Empress support team.