Mastering Perm Level for Enhanced Data Security in Empress


Welcome to this Empress guide! Today, we will be exploring a powerful feature known as Perm Level. This feature allows you to set access and edit permissions on specific fields in your Empress system based on user roles.

From a business perspective, this is incredibly useful for protecting sensitive data and ensuring that only authorized personnel can make changes to certain fields. For example, you might want to restrict your Accounts Users from modifying the rate of an item in a sales invoice. Let’s jump right in!

Step 1: Access the Customize Form

The first step in configuring field restrictions with Perm Level is to access the Customize Form. Here, you’ll select the type of document you’d like to adjust permissions for. In this case, we’re working with a Sales Invoice Item. Scroll down until you find the Item Rate field, and click on it to expand the field.

Step 2: Set the Perm Level

In the Perm Level field, you’ll need to enter a number. This could be 0, 1, 2, 3, etc., depending on what level of permissions you’d like to apply. Once you’ve entered the number, click Save.

Step 3: Create a New Rule in Role Permission Manager

After you’ve saved your changes, head over to the Role Permission Manager. Here, you’ll click on Add a New Rule. You’ll then need to select the type of document and the role (in this case, Accounts User) for this new rule. Set the Perm Level to the same number you entered in the previous step, and grant the user Read access.

Step 4: View the Changes

Now, when you go to a Sales Invoice, you’ll notice that the user can only view the Item Rate field. The data for this field will be automatically pulled from the Price List, and the user won’t be able to make any changes.

That’s it! You’ve successfully configured field restrictions for a user role using Perm Level. This feature is a valuable tool for maintaining data security and integrity in your business operations. Remember, you can always refer back to this guide if you need to set up additional field restrictions in the future. Happy Empressing!