Mastering POS Invoice Consolidation for Business Efficiency



Welcome to the Empress Point of Sale (POS) Invoice Consolidation guide. This feature is designed to streamline your transactions, improve system speed, and enhance your overall business operations.

The POS Invoice Consolidation is a significant feature of the Empress POS. Its primary function is to ensure that sales from the POS session do not impact your stock and accounting ledgers until a Closing POS Voucher is submitted for each session. This guide will guide you through how this feature functions, its benefits, and how to utilize it in your everyday operations.

Feature Functionality

To understand how POS Invoice Consolidation works, let’s break it down into four key steps:

  1. Creation of Intermediate Invoices: In this initial stage, each transaction from the POS screen generates a POS Invoice. This does not yet update your stock and accounting ledgers, ensuring optimal speed and efficiency. This separate POS ledger is often referred to as a “sub-ledger”, and it greatly enhances the scalability of your system.

  2. End-of-Day Updates: The stock and accounting entries are created at the end of each day when you close a POS session. This is done by creating a single sales invoice that combines all the intermediate invoices generated throughout the day.

  3. Consolidated Sales Invoice: This single, consolidated sales invoice only generates a handful of ledger entries, compared to the numerous entries that would have been created in the older system.

  4. Reduced Load on the General Ledger: With fewer ledger entries, the load on the general ledger is significantly reduced, further enhancing its speed and performance.

Tracking Stock

Before a POS session is closed, the Stock Ledger does not include transactions from any active POS sessions. However, the stock levels from this “sub-ledger” do update the Stock Projected Quantity Report.

To access this report, navigate to Stock > Stock Reports > Stock Projected Quantity. This report will show you the “Actual Qty”, representing the value of the stock ledger, and “Reserved for POS Transactions”, which represents the actual quantity minus the quantities currently reserved due to active POS sessions.

Please note that within the Point of Sale, quantities on order but not received will not be reflected in the “Available Qty at Warehouse” field in the Item Details view.


Understanding and utilizing the POS Invoice Consolidation feature in Empress will allow you to manage your sales, stock, and accounting more efficiently. It ensures that your system remains scalable and fast, while also maintaining accurate and up-to-date records of your transactions and stock.

For additional support or resources, please refer to the Empress Help Center or contact our support team.