Mastering Profit and Loss Dashboard Chart Feature

Welcome to this Empress guide! Today, we will focus on the Profit and Loss Dashboard Chart feature. This feature is a crucial tool for businesses as it allows users to monitor their financial performance in an easy-to-understand manner.

Introduction: What is the Profit and Loss Dashboard Chart?

The Profit and Loss Dashboard Chart is a visual representation of your company’s financial data over a specific period. It provides a clear picture of your company’s financial health, making it easier for users to understand and interpret complex financial data.

The chart is based on the Profit and Loss Statement, a financial report that summarizes the revenues, costs, and expenses incurred during a specific fiscal year. It’s an essential business tool that helps you to track your company’s earnings and spending, as well as identify areas for potential improvement.

Primary Functions and Benefits

Here are some of the primary functions and benefits you can gain from using the Profit and Loss Dashboard Chart:

  • Visual representation of financial data: The chart provides a visual overview of your company’s financial performance, making complex data easier to comprehend.
  • Customizable time period: You can customize the chart to display data for a specific fiscal year.
  • Dynamic filters: The chart includes dynamic filters for the company and fiscal year, allowing you to view data for different scenarios.
  • Access control: You can set the chart to be public or private, controlling who can view the information.

How to Use the Profit and Loss Dashboard Chart

  1. Viewing the Chart: Navigate to the ‘Accounts’ module and select the ‘Dashboard’ option. Here, you will find the ‘Profit and Loss’ chart.

  2. Editing the Chart: To edit the chart, click on the ‘Edit’ button. You can then modify the time period, filter settings, and access permissions.

  3. Sorting Information: You can sort the information on the chart by clicking on the relevant column headers.

  4. Tracking Information: The chart is updated in real-time, allowing you to track changes in your financial performance continuously.

User Roles and Permissions

The Profit and Loss Dashboard Chart can be accessed by anyone with the ‘Administrator’ role. However, you can modify the chart’s access permissions to allow other users to view the chart.


The Profit and Loss Dashboard Chart is a powerful tool for businesses, providing a visual representation of financial performance and enabling users to make informed decisions based on real-time data.

For further assistance, please refer to the Empress user guide or contact our support team.