Mastering Program Enrollment for Efficient Student Tracking


Welcome to this easy-to-follow guide on how to use the Program Enrollment feature in Empress, designed specifically for business users. This tool is essential for any educational institution, as it provides an efficient system for tracking the courses and programs in which each student is enrolled.

What is Program Enrollment?

In everyday business operations, Program Enrollment is a critical feature. It lets you record and manage the enrollment of students in specific programs, and the courses they select for a particular academic term. Through this feature, you can ensure that students are correctly associated with their chosen program and courses in the system.

Getting Started with Program Enrollment

To access Program Enrollment, follow this simple navigation path:

Home > Education > Admission > Program Enrollment

How to Create a Program Enrollment

Before proceeding to create a Program Enrollment, ensure that the following elements are already created:

  • Student
  • Program
  • Student Category
  • Student Batch
  • Academic Year
  • Academic Term
  • Course
  • Fee Structure

To create a Program Enrollment:

  1. Go to the Program Enrollment List and click on ‘New.’
  2. Choose the Student who is enrolling in the program.
  3. Select the Program in which the student is enrolling.
  4. Input the Academic Year for which the student is enrolling.
  5. The Enrollment Date will default to the current date, but this can be changed if necessary.
  6. Save and submit.

Additional Options in Program Enrollment Creation

While creating a Program Enrollment, you can further customize the record by specifying:

  • Student Category: If the student belongs to a specific category.
  • Academic Term: The academic term for which the student is enrolling.
  • Student Batch: If applicable, the batch to which the student belongs.
  • Student House: If the student is a part of a specific student house.
  • Boarding Student: Check this if the student resides in the Institute hostel. The fee structure will update accordingly.

Key Features of Program Enrollment


You can specify the student’s mode of transportation to and from the Institute and the Vehicle Number. This information can be useful for tracking and planning purposes.

Enrolled Courses

You can select and add the courses that the student will study during the program. This ensures a complete academic record for each student.


You can select and add the Academic Term, Fee Structure, Student Category, Fees Due Date, and Fees Amount to be paid by the student for the enrollment to the course. This makes financial tracking and management more efficient and straightforward.


The Program Enrollment feature is a powerful tool that enhances the efficiency of your business processes, particularly in managing students’ academic records. It helps you keep track of each student’s program and course enrollments, transportation details, and fees, making it an invaluable asset for educational institutions. For further assistance, visit Empress’s support resources or contact our customer service team.