Mastering Project-Wise Stock Tracking for Better Management


Welcome to the Empress guide on Project-Wise Stock Tracking, a powerful feature tailored for business users. This feature allows you to keep track of stock levels associated with different projects within your business. Understanding your stock levels and their distribution across projects is essential for effective resource management, planning, and decision making in your business.

Feature Functionality

The Project-Wise Stock Tracking feature provides an intuitive and user-friendly interface that allows you to:

  • View your stock levels on a project-by-project basis
  • Edit stock details for each project
  • Sort your stock data based on various parameters
  • Track real-time changes in stock levels for each project

This feature also includes robust permission settings, allowing different user roles (e.g., Projects User, Projects Manager) to access and manipulate data based on their roles within the business.

Navigating the User Interface

To access the Project-Wise Stock Tracking feature, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Empress account.
  2. On the dashboard, locate and click on the Projects module.
  3. In the Projects module, find the Project-Wise Stock Tracking report.

You will now be able to view, edit, sort, and track your stock data for each project.

User Roles and Permissions

In the context of the Project-Wise Stock Tracking feature, user roles and permissions are defined as follows:

  • Projects User: This role can view and track the stock data but cannot edit the information.
  • Projects Manager: This role has the additional permission to edit the stock data.

These roles ensure that your stock data is protected and only editable by authorized personnel.


The Project-Wise Stock Tracking feature in Empress is a valuable tool for businesses, offering a streamlined approach to managing and tracking stock across various projects. It supports better resource allocation, informed decision-making, and enhanced project management.

For additional non-technical resources or support, please refer to the Empress Help Center or contact our support team.